People who use the service were complimentary about the care and support that they receive from Safe and Sound Homecare. People told us that the 'staff are lovely' and 'I feel part of their family'. People told us that staff listen to them and deliver the care and support in the way that they like. People told us that staff are always polite and respect their wishes. One person told us that staff go out of their way to 'do extra things for me'. People told us that they know which staff will be visiting them and that they turn up on time. Some people told us that sometimes staff leave early. People told us that they have the same staff visiting them.
People told us that they have copies of their care plans. We found that the care plans did not give staff clear details on the needs of the people. We found that care plans were not held securely in all cases.
We spoke to staff and looked at staff records. These showed us that staff need to update their training. Staff do not have regular supervision, although staff stated that they felt supported by the deputy manager and the team in the office.
People are safeguarded against abuse although some staff were not fully aware of local procedures for reporting suspicions if they were to consider people were at risk of harm.
We found that because the registered manager is not available in the service for the majority of the time she had delegated a significant proportion of her duties to the deputy manager. We found that the deputy manager was not fully aware of the obligations under the Health and Social Care Act that had been delegated to her by the registered manager. This included the requirements of our Essential Standards of Quality and Safety and obligations to notify us of certain incidents and changes arrangements at the home.