The inspection took place on 22 June 2016 and was unannounced.The last inspection of this service took place in January 2014. The service was found to be compliant with all of the legal requirements inspected at that time.
St Anne's Glenholme is a respite service which can provide short stay and respite accommodation for up to 14 people at any one time. At the time of inspection there were nine people living at the home.
There was a registered manager in position. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
From our observations and speaking with visitors and social care professionals we concluded people were safe living at the service. Risk assessments and safeguarding procedures were in place and up to date. We saw evidence of consent and best interests meetings where appropriate.
There was a robust system for monitoring and detailing accidents and incidents with lessons learned and action plans in place where required.
Medicines were generally managed safely although some improvements were required in the layout and auditing of the Medicines Administration Records (MARs) in order to comply with current guidelines. Management of 'as required' (PRN) processes needed to be more robust. However, from observing immediate systems changes being implemented during the inspection, we felt confident these improvements would be made.
Staffing levels were good and responsive to the needs of the people living at the service. A robust and safe recruitment process was in place and staff training was up to date, with service specific training available.
The premises were clean, comfortable and well maintained. Any issues were reported in a timely manner.
People's dietary requirements were being met and the service offered a varied rolling menu which people enjoyed.
People had access to a wide range of health care professionals and there was appropriate equipment in place to assist with people's care needs.
During our inspection we observed many positive interactions between staff and people that use the service. People appeared happy and the atmosphere in the service was calm and relaxed.
Staff knowledge about people living at the service was excellent and their approach was kind, caring and respectful of people's privacy and dignity.
Care files were detailed and person centred and we saw evidence care plans were put into practice by staff. Care files were reviewed regularly.
Varied, person specific activities were offered, with people choosing what activities they wanted to pursue, with a number supporting and promoting people's independence.
The service had a robust complaints procedure in place although no official complaints had been made since July 2015.
People we spoke with praised the staff and management team. The registered manager was approachable, well respected and was a visible presence in the service. Morale in the service was good and staff told us they felt supported.
Service audits were in place and up to date and there was regular support from the provider to ensure quality of service.