'We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because the people using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. We spoke to the relatives of three people, who told us, "Our son definitely gets treated with dignity and respect",
" he's free to come and go. Nobody goes into his room without his permission",
"we have regular meetings with the home, always beneficial",
"All staff are fine , no problems and always very professional",
"The staff seem to be well trained. I know that the newer staff have been receiving training",
"we are very happy with the service. It's been a hard transition, but things have worked out well",
"The staff are marvellous, we've had regular meetings and we are sent care plans",
"we get on well with the all of the staff",
"We can't fault any of the care being provided. Always feel assured that people are safeguarded and protected",
"staff are really good with, (named person) it's a nice place and a good home. Always talks about staff in a positive way",
"They are very good with anything medical. Always kept informed of any health issues. Let us know if going to any appointments and any changes in medication",
"We are very happy with him being there. So satisfied with the service and everything about it",
"they are like (Staff) an extension of the family. We can call them anytime",
"Always put the young person first. It's done on a personal basis, everything is done to personalise care",
"They always keep us informed on a day to day basis. Communication is key",
"I'ts amazing to see the relationship they have with (named person).We can see how happy she is",
"It's a caring and happy environment",
"Introductions are always made to new members of staff",
"They work so hard, (named person) has come on leaps and bounds".