We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask; ' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our discussions with ten people who use the service, four visitors, six staff, the quality manager, the nominated individual, the clinical manager and the training manager.
The registered manager had recently resigned. The Care Quality Commission have received the application to cancel their registration at Home Close. We were informed by the area manager that a manager is due to commence employment at Home Close in July 2014.
Is the service safe?
People we spoke with told us the staff were kind and helpful and that they were very happy living at Home Close.
Potential risks to people had been identified and recorded clearly in their care records. We saw that these risks had been reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that people were kept safe.
Staff were knowledgeable about the care and support people required. Although we found that the information on people's care needs were not all easy to find. This could potentially put people at risk of not receiving care in a consistent way.
Regular gas, electrical and fire safety checks had been undertaken. This ensured the safety of people who lived within the scheme their visitors and staff.
Is the service effective?
People said they were happy and felt well looked after at Home Close, they told us the staff always ask them what help they need. People's health was regularly monitored to identify changes to their needs and they were supported to see a range of health care professionals to maintain their wellbeing.
Is the service caring?
We saw that people got on well with the staff and were comfortable with them. Staff were patient, kind and showed that they respected the people who lived at Home Close. People told us that staff helped them to maintain their privacy and independence.
Is the service responsive?
People's needs were assessed before they were admitted to the home, and a care plan developed to meet those individual needs. People told us that staff responded to their needs in a timely way.
Staff were being provided with training that enabled them to do their job effectively. A new internal training framework was being introduced. This would enable staff to update their skills in a more timely way as training was being provided by internal trainers.
Is the service well-led?
People told us they would be happy to speak with the manager or any of the staff if anything was not right. They felt that any issues would be dealt with.
The provider had a quality assurance system in place to make sure that the service provided by the staff was of a high standard. A range of audits and action plans ensured that all aspects of the service were closely monitored.
Staff we spoke with told us they felt well supported by the leadership team and enjoyed working at Home Close.
We found that the provider was non compliant with one of the regulations out of the five areas we assessed. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.