This inspection helped answer our five questions: Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service caring?
We saw people being supported by polite and attentive staff. We saw staff sitting with people whilst assisting them with their meals. We observed people holding two way conversations with staff. As we walked past one person, he stopped us, and pointed to the member of staff nearby saying 'this one deserves extra points.' One person told us "they are very good" whilst a relative told us 'they are kind to him."
We saw that care workers were patient and gave encouragement when supporting people. We heard one staff saying to a person using the service "do you want me to put your TV on? Is that better? I'll put your bell near you" A person told us 'it's very nice here, they treat you well."
We observed staff knocking on people's bedroom doors before entering and then keeping the door closed whilst providing personal care.
Is the service responsive?
The care files confirmed people's preferences, interests and individual needs had been recorded and the support provided met people's wishes. One person told us 'staff treat me very well. I choose my own meals.'
To help staff get to know people as individuals there was 'All about me' or 'my life story' information at the front of care folders. One person said she liked singing and regularly sang with staff.
Relatives were involved in contributing towards people's annual care review and their views were taken into consideration. In several reviews, the relatives made significant contributions and signed the review. One relative said "I got involved when we arrived at the home."
We saw that the service worked well with other healthcare professionals. There were several letters in people's care records from health professionals suggesting changes to a person's care or treatment.
People could make choices. We regularly heard staff asking people to make a choice. We heard staff asking a person "if you need anything just ring, so I can get it for you." A person told us 'I pick my own clothes and choose when to go to bed.'
Is the service safe?
We found the home safe at the point of entry. To enter the home we had to ring, wait for the door to be opened, we signed in and signed out. People were cared for in an environment that was safe, clean and hygienic. We found the environment in good decorative order and staff had the equipment needed for moving and lifting people safely.
We saw from the completed records that equipment at the home had been well maintained, serviced regularly and therefore safe for people to use. People told us that staff looked after them well, one person said 'they look after me, when moving me.'
Staff we spoke with were able to tell us what action they would take if they saw abuse taking place and where to find the correct contact information and procedures. One staff told us "I treat people here like I would like to be treated myself."
The staff carried out a range of health and safety checks to ensure people were kept safe. Records showed that fire drills were carried out and that people had their personal evacuation plans.
People ate food which had been safely supplied and prepared. The catering facilities had been assessed by an environmental health officer in 2014 and were given the top star rating.
The Care Quality Commission is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which apply to care homes. The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are in place to protect people's human rights. The records showed that some people's mental capacity has been assessed and best interest meetings held.
Is the service effective?
Relatives told us that they were happy with the care they saw and felt people's needs had been met. One relative told us "staff are friendly and we can make our own drinks when we want' whilst a person using the service told us 'I told the staff I was not happy about something and it was dealt with immediately.'
Staff told us that communication was good in the home, issues relating to individuals were discussed at handovers. From viewing the care records we saw that sudden changes to a person's health were added to the care plans as an extra information sheet. Staff also told us that their views were heard and taken into consideration.
We viewed the letter sent to relatives summarising their comments made about the service at the relative's meetings. Where it was relevant the letter also had details of the actions taken by the service in response to the relative's comments.
Is the service well-led?
The manager was registered with the Care Quality Commission as the registered manager for the service. One person told us "if I had a concern I know he would do something about it" whilst another relative said "it's lovely here."
We viewed several training records to confirm that the staff had received regular training to meet the needs of the people living at the home. The service had a training coordinator to help ensure staff regularly updated their training. Staff told us there were prompts in place to remind them when training updates were due.
The home had a range of quality control processes in place. The records needed for the safe and smooth running of the home were in good order and up to date.
People's relatives were included in how the home was run by being asked for their feedback on the service. Relative's views had been listened to and we saw changes had been made where required. One person using the service told us 'they try very hard to please' whilst a relative told us 'it's an easy going sort of place, so I've no complaints.' Staff told us their views were heard and changes could be made to how the service was run.
We found the home was well equipped. The staff were observed using electrical hoists and the bathrooms offered a range of facilities to meet people's needs.