Bramerton is one of a number of care homes that the provider CHOICE is currently registered for. Although part of a corporate brand, Bramerton is an individualised service for the people who live there.Bramerton provides residential care for up to 11 male adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities. Bramerton is situated in the village of Bray, close to the town of Maidenhead. The building is a large, detached house. There are 11 single bedrooms over two floors with two lounge areas, a separate dining room, kitchen, office and a large basement relaxation area. There is also a separate day services building adjacent to the main house, which provides a base for activities such as IT, arts and crafts etc. In addition the care home operates vehicles for leisure, recreational and educational trips and activities in the community.
At the time of the inspection, there was a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Since registration under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 on 8 December 2010, Bramerton has maintained compliance with the relevant regulations at each inspection by CQC. The most recent inspection was a routine planned visit on 10 December 2013. This inspection is the first visit under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the first rating under the Care Act 2014.
The feedback from people at Bramerton, relatives, staff and commissioners was overwhelming and outstanding. People were happy to live at Bramerton and felt they led fulfilling lives. They told us they felt safe and were excited to show and tell us about their lives. For people who were unable to verbally communicate with is, they demonstrated that they were also happy to live there. There was a sustained attitude of continuous improvement throughout all aspects of the service. We found people were safe and appropriately supported.
All risks for people and the service were thoroughly assessed, mitigated, documented and reviewed. Appropriate records were kept and readily available to demonstrate this to us at the inspection.
Proper maintenance of the premises and grounds was evident. The registered manager was knowledgeable about risks from the building and kept records of completed assessments and coordinated repairs to effectively prevent harm to people. Repairs and maintenance were completed by some external contractors and some minor delays occurred whilst waiting for their attendance. This did not impact on compliance with the safe use of the premises and equipment.
We looked at two staff personnel files. The location’s registered manager was responsible for ensuring fit and proper person checks were completed and recorded for new staff. We found the service had strong recruitment and selection procedures that ensured suitable, experienced applicants were offered and accepted employment. A high percentage of staff had long periods of service for the provider. Some new staff were recruited when others left the service. Staff we spoke with told us they had to pass a number of stages to be successful in gaining their employment. This included a face to face interview with a manager and question-based scenarios. Personnel files contained all of the necessary information required by the regulations and no documents or checks were missing. We found this included criminal history checks via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), checks of previous conduct in other roles, and proof of identification. We also checked the staff’s legal rights to work in the UK.
Medicines were safely managed. We examined the handling of people’s medicines during our inspection and found that people were safe from harm. The home manager explained there were no medicines incidents. However, even potential failures in practice that did not result in harm to people required reporting. We advised the provider to seek guidance and support to ensure any medicines incidents were always recorded and reviewed.
Staff training, supervision and performance development was effective. Induction programmes and training was evident, competency checks and repetition of training was used at the service to ensure the best effective care for people. The provider sent us further information after the inspection which demonstrated they listened to our feedback, and had further evidence for us to consider.
The service was compliant with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). The recording of consent and best interest decision making ensured the service complied with the MCA Codes of Practice. The service demonstrated that, where necessary, standard deprivation of liberty (DoLS) authorisations were recorded to deprive people of their liberty for various decisions.
People received nutritious food which they enjoyed. Hydration was offered to people to ensure they did not become dehydrated. Snacks and treats were available if people wanted or chose to have them. People assisted with shopping and cooking and had the right to choose their own meals.
Staff had put in extra effort to ensure that the service was caring. We observed staff were warm and friendly. As staff had worked with most people over an extended period of time, they had come to know each person well. People who used the service, relatives and staff described Bramerton as a ‘family’. Many of the people who used the service had lived there for long periods of time, and staff had enjoyed watching them develop as adults and increase their independence. This reflected in the care that people received in an ongoing way. The environment was maintained as a house rather than a care facility.
Personalisation of bedrooms and communal areas was evident. External agencies we spoke with, such as commissioners, praised the service when we asked. We found people had the right to choose or refuse care or activities and this was respected by staff. People led the life they chose to and this was not changed by anyone at the service. We saw people’s privacy and dignity was respected at all times.
People were involved in the service in a number of ways and attended a wide variety of activities and events. This included the planning of social activities as well as normal functions of running the service. People were encouraged to gain employment where possible, undertake meetings, go to the provider’s other services, and make friends with a variety of people in the community.
Responsive care was provided to people. Their wishes, preferences, likes and dislikes were considered and accommodated. Staff knew about the complaints procedure and people had the ability to complain. There were no complaints since our last inspection, although the management had the knowledge and skills to investigate if a complaint was raised.
The workplace culture at Bramerton was good. Despite changes, management was stable at the service and there was a low staff turnover. Staff described a positive place to work and care for people. Staff told us they enjoyed their roles and found management approachable and reasonable. The deputy manager, home manager and assistant regional director were knowledgeable about quality care and accountable in their roles. A series of audits and checks was routinely conducted to ensure good governance.