People were able to tell us about their experiences and we also spoke with relatives and health professionals. We spent time in the home's communal areas observing people and staff. Interactions were warm and friendly with staff clearly having a good knowledge about the people they were caring for.People told us that staff were friendly and that they had the same staff caring for them. People confirmed that they had a choice about meals. One person told us that they had chosen not to have a full meal but to have a sandwich on the evening we visited. People also said that they could choose what they did and what time they got up or went to bed.
People told us they liked living at Woodville which they clearly regarded as their home. Most people have lived there for a number of years. People told us who their key workers were and were positive about how their key workers helped them. People said staff were available to take them out in evenings and weekends.
People said that they had no concerns about how their personal care needs were met. People said that if they were unwell then staff would contact doctors for them. People said staff were available when they needed them and knew what care they required.
People told us that lots of activities were provided including outings to various places chosen by them. People told us about a holiday some of them were looking forward to in the next few months. They also told us about previous holidays they had enjoyed.
We also spoke with other professionals involved in the care of people. They stated that they had no concerns about how people's health and care needs were met.