About this serviceDovecote Manor Care Home is a residential care home providing personal, without nursing care for up to 41 older people in a purpose-built building. At the time of the inspection 33 people were using the service.
We found the following examples of good practice
¿ Safe arrangements were in place for all visitors to the service. This included taking temperature checks and carrying out a specific COVID-19 questionnaire.
¿ Posters were on display reminding people on the importance of regular hand washing / hand sanitisation, social distancing and the wearing facemasks. These measures helped keep people using the service, staff and visitors stay safe.
¿ The environment was clean and well maintained. Cleaning records showed the cleaning schedules were followed by staff. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection took place throughout the home to reduce the risk of the spread of infection. This included regular cleaning of 'high touch' areas such as, light switches, call bells, keyboards, door handles and handrails.
¿ Cleaning checklists were used to record and monitor when the cleaning tasks had taken place.
¿ Staff had access to enough supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) including disposable facemasks, face visors, gloves, aprons and disinfectant wipes.
¿ Hand sanitiser stations were available throughout the service in communal and private areas and used PPE was disposed of safely to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
¿ In addition to routine infection control training all staff received specific training on reducing the risks of the transmission of the Coronavirus. Training included the importance of following good handwashing practices and the procedure for putting on and taking off (donning and doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE).
¿ A regular programme of testing for COVID-19 was in place for all staff and people using the service. This meant swift action could be taken should anyone receive a positive test result.
¿ Isolation, cohorting and zoning was used to manage the spread of infection. People were supported to self-isolate in their rooms when necessary.
¿ Staff had a separate changing area where they were able to change their clothes before the start and the end of their shift.
¿ The laundry area was well organised. Clean and soiled linen was kept separate and cleaning schedules were closely followed. Systems were in place to ensure laundry from different areas of the service were laundered separately.
¿ The kitchen area was well organised, heated food trolleys were thoroughly sanitised before leaving and on returning to the kitchen area. Only authorised staff were able to access the kitchen area.
¿ Infection prevention and control (IPC) audits took place. The registered manager had oversight of all aspects of infection control systems within the service.
¿ Policies, procedures, risk assessments and guidance related to COVID-19 were up to date, which supported staff to keep them and others safe.
¿ Regular meetings took place with healthcare professionals to reflect and learn from COVID-19 outbreaks and heightened infection control measures were implemented to contain and manage outbreaks.