9 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Services, provided in people's home and in the local community were person centred and tailored to meet individual needs.
We met one person who received the service and spoke with two others. We also spoke with a family member, three members of care staff, two managers and the Registered Manager, who assisted with the inspection.
Many of the people supported by the service had limited verbal skills. We observed how people communicated and noted how staff interpreted gestures and mannerisms in behaviours which ascertained a person's wishes.
We examined six care plans, developed after a detailed needs and risk assessment. We noted the high input from other professionals, which demonstrated that the service worked in collaboration with other agencies and ensured that appropriate safe care was provided.
Staff we spoke with, told us, they felt well equipped and trained to work with people with complex care needs. A relative we spoke with said 'staff were well trained and had oodles of experience'.
The company had taken a rigorous approach to internal audits of the service which ensured a high quality service, although there were no formally recorded mechanisms to monitor external feedback.