Archived: Abbey Hey Care Home Limited
All Inspections
3 June 2013
During a routine inspection
People were asked to consent to aspects of their care and support. Where there was a doubt about their ability to give consent the manager completed a mental capacity assessment to formally determine if their ability.
We saw that the home was clean and free from unpleasant odours. The manager carried out various checks relating to the prevention and control of infection. Disposable aprons and gloves were available, as was alcohol hand rub.
A varied menu was in place and the cook was told which people required a modified diet. People told us they liked the food and recently completed satisfaction surveys that had been issued by the home showed that people were given enough to eat. We saw food charts that needed to be completed for three people. These were not complete and it was not possible to determine what they had had to eat and drink on a daily basis. There was no evidence that they were provided with the diets they had been recommended.
We saw that appropriate checks had been completed for staff prior to them starting work at Abbey Hey Care Home Limited.
30 April 2012
During a routine inspection
People told us "Staff always treat me with respect" and "Carers always knock before they come in my room". Comments were made about the food being good. People said that although the menus did not give a choice of meals the chef would always make them something else if they wished.
The people we spoke with told us that they never had reason to complain about the care they received. We were told "The carers are great and always ask before doing anything" and "I have no grumbles at all".
We heard that regular outings were arranged and one person told us that they enjoyed going to the supermarket with a care worker to choose her own provisions. Another person said they looked forward to attending the regular tea dances held at a hotel in the area.
Comments from relatives on completed satisfaction surveys included "[My relative] is well cared for and appears happy" and "My family have a high regard for the quality of care that [our relative] receives". One relative commented "[My relative] is as happy as she can be and very well cared for". Another said "I trust and rely on the staff and feel well supported".