30 January and 27 February 2014
During a routine inspection
The staff we spoke with told us that the care plans provided them with the information they needed to care for each person as they wished. People we spoke with confirmed that they had regular care workers who knew how they wished to be assisted. One person said, 'My carers are very, very good, very considerate." The relative of another person told us that the care workers noticed any changes that needed medical attention, and said, 'They have taught us a few things.' Another relative said, 'The carers are very courteous and they know what they are doing.'
The training records showed that staff had induction training to ensure that they understood the policies and procedures of the service for maintaining the safety of people using the service. Staff we spoke with confirmed that the training they received provided them with the skills and knowledge they required to carry out their role. One care worker said, 'They (the managers) really help us when we need anything. We have training and staff meetings and they give us information on whatever is going on.'