At the last inspection the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good. Bushell House is a large spacious Georgian grade two listed building set in its own grounds in the rural village of Goosnargh. It is registered to provide personal care and accommodation for up to 31 adults. Accommodation is provided in single rooms, all of which are en-suite. There are a number of communal rooms including lounges, dining rooms and a library.
People who lived at Bushell House told us they felt safe and supported by staff and management team. Assessments took place to ensure that people’s needs could be met by the service. Care records included detailed risk assessments, which provided staff with guidance on how risks to people were minimised.
People were protected by suitable procedures for the recruitment of staff. We saw records which showed the provider had undertaken checks. This to ensure staff had the required knowledge and skills, and were of good character before they were employed at the service.
Systems were in place to reduce people being at risk of harm and potential abuse. Staff had received up to date safeguarding training and understood the provider's safeguarding adults procedures. People told us there was enough staff on duty and that the staff came quickly to any requests for support.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service support this practice.
People received care that was relevant to their needs and effective because they were supported by an established staff team. They also had received appropriate training such as moving and handling and had a good understanding of people’s needs.
We found the service was pro-active in supporting people to have sufficient nutrition and hydration. People said the quality of the food was good, one person said, “The food here is very good”. Care plans showed where appropriate the staff had made referrals to health care professionals such as the community nursing team and GP's.
We received consistent positive feedback about the care provided at Bushell House from people who lived at the home and their relatives. The management team and staff told us they fully involved people and their families in their care planning. People we saw were well presented and staff sought to maintain people's dignity throughout the day.
We saw, from care records, that staff had discussed people's preferences for end of life care.
People and their relatives were involved in the planning of their care and support. We found that assessments were undertaken by management prior to any person being accepted into the home.
People were encouraged to raise any concerns or complaints. The service had a complaints procedure. People we spoke with said they felt comfortable raising concerns if they were unhappy about any aspect of their care.
Bushell House had procedures in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. Regular audits had been completed. These included reviewing care plan records, infection control, monitoring the environment and medication. This helped to ensure people were living in a safe environment.
The registered manager kept up to date with current good practice guidelines by attending managers meetings at which they shared learning and discussed new developments in care. We found the management team receptive to feedback and keen to improve the service. The managers worked with us in a positive manner and provided all the information we requested.