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  • Homecare service


Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Office 327, Empire Business Centre, Liverpool Road, Burnley, BB12 6HH (01282) 969500

Provided and run by:
Majestic Care Northwest Ltd

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 23 October 2024

Date of assessment 4 October to 13 November 2024. This was the first assessment of Winncare, a domiciliary care service for adults with varied support needs. At the time of assessment, the service supported 3 people. The service had processes to respond to safety events and safeguarding concerns, and assess the safety of people’s homes. There were enough suitably experienced staff to deliver safe care. The service supported people with infection prevention and control and medicines were administered as prescribed. People were involved in assessments and the service was proactive at requesting support for carers. Staff worked closely with partners to ensure people’s healthcare needs were met and supported people with nutrition and hydration. There was good information sharing amongst staff, relatives and partners; to ensure continuity and prevent deterioration. People benefited from good outcomes, and their views considered when planning care. Staff protected people’s privacy, treated them like individuals and promoted independence. At times, the service provided extra support to prevent discomfort or distress. People received person-centred care, and reasonable adjustments were in place. Care was flexible and tasks clearly delegated. The service communicated changes and sought feedback from people. People could access support when they needed it as staff were flexible and responsive. Information about the service addressed equality and discrimination. Leaders focused on good quality care, and were responsive to risks within the service. Staff were prompted to speak up via surveys or meetings, and treated fairly. Staff and leaders understood their roles, and checks were carried out at different levels. The service collaborated with partners to share learning and worked to better outcomes. However, information was not always robust around risks, recruitment, medicines or people’s health and care needs. The service took action in response to concerns raised.

People's experience of the service

Updated 23 October 2024

Overall, people and relatives were positive about the quality and safety of care provided by Winncare. People and relatives knew who they could speak to if they were concerned about safety, and felt people were safe. A person using the service told us, “[Staff] treat me very well.” We saw moving and handling equipment in place at people’s homes, and people confirmed staff were trained how to use it. There were no concerns raised with staffing levels, and we were told people received their medicines when they needed them. A person using the service said, “I get [my medicine] on time and know what it’s for.” We were told most staff were knowledgeable and followed best practice guidance. A relative said, “Most of the staff know what they are doing. They are quite experienced and well trained. Just newer staff need more support.” People confirmed staff shared relevant information and communicated well amongst the team. A relative gave examples of staff supporting people positively; to help improve outcomes to their diet, mobility and independence. People and relatives told us staff sought consent. People agreed staff were kind and caring, and communicated with them in a way they could understand. People gave examples of how staff respected their privacy, and said staff responded quickly if they were in pain or discomfort. People confirmed staff knew their needs and preferences, and the service communicated with them about any changes to their care. People told us they got to make everyday choices and knew how to make a complaint. A relative said, “I have spoken to the registered manager in the past and things have been sorted out pretty quickly. They’re pretty good.” People and relatives spoke positively about the registered manager and were happy with the service. A person using the service told us, “The registered manager is the kind of person, if things aren’t right, they need to be sorted.”