We carried out an announced inspection of Right Care (Lancashire) Limited on the 8 and 9 October 2015.
Right Care (Lancashire) Limited provides personal care and support and domestic services to people living in their own homes in Burnley and the surrounding areas. The service is mainly provided to older people with needs relating to old age, including dementia. The office is situated close to the town centre, just off a main road, on the edge of a residential estate. It is therefore easily accessible to both staff and service users. At the time of the inspection the service was providing support to 80 people.
At the previous inspection on 9 October 2013 we found the service was meeting all the standards assessed.
The service was managed by a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons.’ Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People we spoke with indicated they were happy with the service they received from Right Care (Lancashire) Limited. They said, “I am thankful for the care”, “I am very happy; I get a very good service” and “Everyone is very friendly and kind.”
People told us they felt safe using the service and had no concerns about the way they were treated or supported. One person told us, “I feel (my relative) is looked after very well and is in safe hands.” Risks to people’s well-being were being assessed and managed. Staff were aware of the signs and indicators of abuse and they knew what to do if they had any concerns.
Satisfactory processes were in place for people to receive safe support with their medicines and appropriate recruitment checks were completed to ensure staff were safe to support people. There were systems in place to ensure all staff received initial training, ongoing development, supervision and support.
Arrangements were in place to maintain staffing levels to make sure people received their agreed care and support. People told us, “They arrive on time and stay as long as they should do”, “I have never been let down yet”, “They are mainly the same staff; always a familiar face” and “If they are running a bit late they let me know.” People made positive comments about the staff team. One person said, “Staff are brilliant.”
People told us they had agreed to the support and care provided by the service. People were aware of their care plans and said they had been fully involved with them and the ongoing reviews.
Processes were in place to monitor and respond to people’s health care needs. Where appropriate people were supported with eating and drinking.
Staff were knowledgeable about people’s individual needs, backgrounds and personalities. They were familiar with the content of people’s care plans. People told us staff gave them privacy whilst they undertook aspects of personal care, but remained nearby to maintain their safety. People were supported to maintain and build their independence skills both within their own home and as appropriate, in the community.
There were effective complaints processes in place. The people we spoke with were aware of the service’s complaints procedure and processes and were confident they would be listened to.
People told us the service was ‘managed well’ and was ‘well organised’. There were processes to monitor and develop the service in consultation with the people who used them.