7 November 2019
During a routine inspection
Alsley Lodge is a residential care home registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 33 people. At the time of the inspection 31 people were living in the service.
People's experience of using this service and what we found
We found the provider had not implemented systems to ensure risks to people’s health and safety were adequately promoted and the management of medicines could have been better. We have made a recommendation about staff competencies in relation to the management of medicines.
In general recruitment practices adopted by the home were satisfactory. However, the employment process for one member of staff could have been better. Therefore, we have made a recommendation about thorough employment checks being conducted for all new staff before they are appointed.
The approach of staff towards people was not always consistent and people were not always involved in the decision-making process. People were not always supported to have maximum control of their lives. Some daily routines did not support people’s choices and the policies of the home and these were not always followed in day to day practice. For example, some practices did not support people to have maximum choice of when they got up or when they had a bath or shower.
The governance of the service was not effective, as issues identified by the inspection team had not been recognised by the internal auditing systems and therefore the assessing and monitoring of the service was not robust.
Care plans varied in quality. Some needed to provide the staff team with clearer guidance about people’s current needs and how these needs were to be best met. However, others were well written and provided more detailed information.
The management of medicines could have been better. We made a recommendation about this.
Enough staff were on duty to meet the assessed needs of people who lived at the home. People looked relaxed in the company of staff and relatives confirmed they felt people were safe living at Alsley Lodge. A good range of training had been provided for the staff team. New employees were guided through an in-depth induction programme and processes were in place to ensure staff were supervised regularly. Community health and social care professionals had been involved in the care and support of people who lived at the home.
A range of activities were provided, which included visiting musicians and outings during the warmer weather. Some person-centred activities were also evident, such as visits to places of interest, based on individual preferences. There was confirmation of community engagement taking place.
We received positive feedback about the manager of the home and the staff team from people we spoke with and their relatives.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection: The service was rated overall good at the last inspection (Published on 10 May 2017). However, the area of well-led was rated as requires improvement. We did not find any breaches of regulations and did not make any recommendations at that time. This was because the provider assured us they would implement a more robust auditing system and would display the CQC rating from the previous inspection more clearly within the home. At this inspection we found the CQC rating from the last inspection to be prominently displayed within the home. However, improvements to the auditing system were not evident.
Why we inspected: This was a scheduled inspection based on the previous ratings.
Enforcement: We have identified breaches in relation to safety, person centred care and good governance. You can see what action we have asked the provider to take at the end of this full report.
Follow up: The service will be re-inspected as per our inspection programme. We will continue to monitor any information we receive about the service. The inspection may be brought forward if any risks are identified.