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  • Care home

Emily Jackson House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

34 Eardley Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XH (01732) 743824

Provided and run by:
Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 8 April 2024

This assessment took place from 23 April 2024 to 17 May 2024. We looked at 12 quality statements in the key questions of safe. caring, responsive and well-led. The rating of the service has improved to good. There were safeguarding processes which were understood by staff to make sure people were kept safe from abuse, harm, and discrimination. Risks to people’s health, safety and welfare were assessed and managed. People were supported by enough staff who were recruited safely. Independence was promoted and privacy and dignity respected. The management team and staff worked closely with health care professionals to make sure people received do-ordinated, joined-up care. Checks and audits were completed to ensure there was oversight of the service and lessons were learnt to drive improvements across the service.

People's experience of the service

Updated 8 April 2024

We spoke with 7 people and 3 relatives. People and their relatives were positive about the care and support they received. People told us they felt safe and there were enough staff who were attentive. People were encouraged to do as much for themselves as they were able, and their independence was encouraged. People’s relative said they felt involved in the care of their loved ones. People knew how to raise a complaint if needed and a relative said, “Staff seem receptive to changes.” People felt their privacy and dignity were respected.