This was an unannounced inspection which took place on 30 and 31 October 2018. West Oaks is a care home with nursing which is registered to provide a service for up to 63 people who require assistance with personal care and nursing needs. The service currently offers a service to 63 people whose needs are related to old age and dementia, some of whom may require nursing support. The service, a detached purpose built building, offers single occupancy rooms and one double bedroom across the two storey home, which is divided into five units.
At the last inspection, in March 2016, the service was rated as good in all domains. This meant the service was rated as overall good. At this inspection we found the service had improved to outstanding in two domains and therefore had improved to an overall rating of outstanding.
Why the service is rated outstanding.
The service provided an individualised and creative approach to people's care and support needs, which enhanced people's quality of life. People had access to information technology, which enabled them to communicate to people important to them.
People were an important part of their own local community. The service encouraged integration within the community, with volunteer and apprenticeships posts offered to external people.
The provider valued and embraced diversity and equality, which included their approach to their own workforce.
The service was managed by a registered manager who was extremely experienced in social care, and respected by staff, families and external professionals. The registered manager and the management team ensured the service was exceptionally well-led and delivered care and support to people and their families that was responsive and caring in all ways. The registered manager and the staff team were committed to ensuring they offered people the very best care possible and that people and their relatives were as involved as possible in running the service. The quality of care the service provided was constantly assessed, reviewed and improved by the provider and registered manager. The group “Friends of West Oaks”, sought to offer continuous guidance and support to the development of the home.
The service was exceptionally responsive and strove to meet people’s continuously changing needs, wishes and lifestyle choices. It was extremely flexible and readily adapted to meet people’s, diverse and complex needs. It was very person-centred and people were seen and responded to as individuals. Activity programmes were creative and designed to meet people’s preferences and choices. Menus were created to offer a diverse and healthy diet. Care planning was individualised and regularly reviewed ensuring people’s needs were met continuously. The management and staff strove to keep people at the heart of the service.
A well-trained and knowledgeable staff team remained able to offer people effective care. They met people’s diverse needs. Care plans were kept up to date ensuring people’s current and changing health and emotional well-being needs were documented and as far as possible met. The service worked very closely with health and other professionals to ensure they offered individuals the best care in the most effective manner, within a highly responsive timeframe. Feedback provided to us by healthcare professionals about the care and support provided was extremely and consistently positive.
People continued to be supported by good staffing ratios, which were reviewed and increased as required. The management supported staff and assisted people on a daily basis, with their presence on the units. Staff were able to meet people’s specific needs safely. Robust recruitment systems were implemented to ensure as far as possible, that staff were safe and suitable to work. People were supported to take their medicines correctly by trained and competent nurses who were encouraged to maintain and develop their professional competence.
People were protected from all forms of abuse by a highly trained and knowledgeable staff team. Staff were trained in safeguarding people and knew what action to take if they identified any concerns. People were encouraged to raise concerns and were provided with written guidance and visible posters on who to contact. The service continued to identify individual and environmental risks. Action was taken to reduce these risks, and a comprehensive account was provided of what action to take should the risk occur.
People continued to be supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice. People and their relatives were encouraged to highlight ways they wanted to be supported, with the service seeking external professional assistance, to ensure this was achieved as far as possible.
The service was supported by a caring, committed and enthusiastic staff team who continued to meet people’s needs with compassion, kindness and respect. They ensured they promoted people’s privacy and dignity and communicated with them effectively. Measures were taken to ensure records were maintained confidentially. People and their relatives were encouraged to feel part of the service, and always welcomed.