- Care home
The Old Vicarage
Report from 16 September 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
The Old Vicarage is a care home for older people, and people living with dementia. The service is registered to accommodate up to 41 people, at the time of our inspection there were 18 people living at the service. At our last inspection of this service, completed in June 2023, we imposed conditions on their registration to support improvement at the service due to breaches of the regulations for safe care and treatment, dignity in care and support, consent to care, staffing levels and good governance. The provider had sourced support from an independent consultant and changes in leadership were made. At this inspection, we found significant levels of improvement had been made, and the service was no longer in breach of the regulations. As a result of these improvements, the imposed conditions have been removed.
People's experience of this service
People told us they liked living at The Old Vicarage, and confirmed they lived in a clean and well-maintained care environment, with sufficient numbers of suitably trained, skilled and knowledgeable staff to meet their needs. People were encouraged to be as independent as possible and had choice and control over their daily lives. People had access to a varied activity programme and could participate in group and 1 to 1 sessions which they spoke positively about. People were treated with kindness and respect, and their dignity and individual rights were upheld. People’s needs and requests were responded to in a timely way, and people felt able to seek assistance from staff during the day and overnight. People received their medicines on time and were supported to access health care reviews as required. People’s relatives could visit any time and were welcome to participate in activities and events happening at the service. People’s views and opinions were sourced and valued as a means of tailoring the service in line with their wishes and preferences.