17 November 2010
During an inspection in response to concerns
As noted above, people who use the service did not make any comments about their medication or how it was given. One of the inspectors saw a member of staff giving medication out at lunchtime on one of the units. This was given in a calm and appropriate way. The person receiving the medication was given time to take it.
We saw staff assisting people to mobilise and using equipment in a safe and appropriate way. Any moving and handling was done in a way which indicated staff had been trained. This was also confirmed in the training records.
Evidence seen on staff files showed that staff are appropriately qualified and have the necessary skills to provide for the needs of the people who use the service.
Relatives and people visiting the service told inspectors they were satisfied with the level of staffing and did not raise any negative concerns about numbers or conduct of staff.
A Service Quality Advisor and a Support Manager, employed by Trinity Health Limited, are working at the service on a full time basis, in the absence of a manager. Relatives said that residents meetings were being held, after being reintroduced. They said they can now raise matters affecting people using the service. The Service Quality Advisor told the inspectors she had met with many relatives personally and had been available to all of them. She felt she had a good rapport with them.