11 July 2011
During a routine inspection
People told us they felt the standard of cleanliness at Hillside Nursing Home was very good and that they regularly saw staff cleaning. They said they saw staff washing their hands and wearing gloves and aprons when providing care or handling food. One person who had lived at Hillside Nursing Home for a considerable time said: 'I think the standard is pretty good and it's beautifully clean.'
People who use the service and visitors to the service we spoke with said they could attend meetings at Hillside Nursing Home to raise any concerns, make suggestions or provide feedback. One visitor said: 'I feel like my [relative] is in a home and not just a place and I am made to feel part of that home.'
During our visit we saw people receiving their personal care in private. We saw staff talking with people in a respectful manner and engaging them in activities and conversation throughout the day. Staff displayed a good awareness of each individual's needs and were seen to respond patiently and reassuringly to one individual with considerable needs. In general, the areas and equipment we looked at were clean with the exception of some floors and two pieces of equipment.