27 June and 2, 3 July 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us they were happy with the care they received and had been involved in planning and reviewing their care plan. One person told us 'I've seen the care plan and I sign to say I agree to any changes, I know exactly what's in there and what's to be done'. People told us they had a good relationship with care workers and were kept informed of any changes. We were told staff arrived on time and stayed for the agreed time period. If their regular care worker could not attend they were informed in advance. People told us 'they are usually on time but it's the nature of the job that people can be late, they always let you know'.' If anything changes if someone's poorly (the provider) lets me know. We know who is coming we know them all by name and they always introduce themselves when they arrive'. We found the provider had carried out relevant checks keep people safe.
No one we spoke with had experienced any difficulty receiving medication and all felt care staff were well trained and competent to administer medications safely. People and their relatives told us they felt they could raise a concern with the provider and were confident it would be dealt with. Everyone we spoke with told us they had the opportunity to feedback their opinions of the service and could raise an issue. One person told us 'I know I can ring the office at any time and they will deal with any problems'