A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us, what we observed and the records that we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
People had been cared for in an environment that was safe, clean and hygienic. There were enough staff on duty to meet the needs of people living in the home and members of the management team were available and on site.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. Proper policies and procedures were in place and relevant staff have been trained to understand when an application should be made and how to submit one.
One family member told us 'The place is lovely, the staff are super, they always have time for you and if I ring they are able to answer my queries without saying I need to look at the notes'. One person living in the home told us 'It was the place I wanted to come to, I like the care that they give.
Is the service effective?
People told us that they were happy with the care they received and felt their needs had been met. We observed staff interacting with people living in the home and treating them with dignity, respect and compassion. It was clear from what we observed and from speaking to staff that they understood people's care and support needs and knew them well. One person told us 'We have a joke and a laugh, they really are a grand bunch the whole lot, they really care'
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind and attentive staff. We observed care workers were patient and encouraged people to maintain independence and supported their efforts. People told us they were able to do things at their own pace and our observations confirmed this, there was a relaxed and unhurried atmosphere. One person told us 'You never have to ask twice for anything, they bend over backwards to look after you'.
Is the service responsive?
People's needs had been assessed before they moved in to the home. Records confirmed that people's preferences, interests, and needs had been recorded and care and support had been provided that met their wishes. People had access to a wide range of activities that were important to them and had been supported to maintain relationships with their friends and families. One person told us 'I find it well here, no problems, I have seen my care plan and signed it' another person told us 'In a residents meeting we asked for a real fish and chip supper wrapped in newspaper and the following week we got it'
Is the service well-led?
Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities and had access to comprehensive training in a variety of relevant subjects. People, family members, staff and visiting professional's views had been regularly canvassed and we saw evidence of changes made as a result of views expressed.
We observed a house newsletter with details of activities and events planned for the month ahead and welcoming new people to the home. People's person centred care plans are reviewed monthly with the individual.