We met with two service users; two visitors and eight staff.People receiving care told us that they were treated with dignity and respect. We saw staff talking to people in a friendly and professional way. One person described their care as "totally brilliant". We were told that staff were "top notch; kind and knowledgeable". People told us that staff were responsive to their needs.
We saw that the hospital was well maintained and had good parking facilities. The furnishings were clean; bedrooms were well ventilated and had adequate lighting. We saw that the clinical areas were clean and well organised and that equipment was maintained.
One person told us that the food was appetising and we saw that it was well presented.
We saw that people's care was delivered in line with standardised care pathways and people felt involved in their treatment and felt that they had been offered choices in respect of their treatment.
We saw that the provider had governance arrangements in place and addressed issues of clinical care to improve service delivery.
Staff felt valued and respected and appear to take pride in their work and there was evidence of quality assurance in respect of most professional groups..