Updated 15 August 2024
FDR Social Care Ltd is a domiciliary care agency registered to provide personal care. At the time of the assessment, one person was receiving support with personal care from the service. The assessment was carried out remotely between 23 August 2024 and 7 October 2024. The assessment was carried out as the service was rated Inadequate at the last inspection published in May 2023. This assessment was to assess whether improvements had been made to the service and whether the breaches of regulations identified at the last inspection had been sufficiently addressed. All quality statements were looked at during the assessment. It was carried out under a pilot methodology where evidence gathered, and reporting was done under one evidence category per quality statement. We found two breaches of the legal regulations in relation to Safe Care and Treatment and Good Governance. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment. The service was no longer in breach of regulations regarding Dignity and Respect, Person-Centred Care, Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment and Fit and Proper Persons Employed. There was inconsistent information across different formats of care plans and changes identified in reviews had not been reflected in all the documents. Information about medications was not always accurate or risk assessed, and some risk assessments required improvements to ensure people were kept safe. The service’s auditing systems had failed to identify these shortfalls. Recruitment practices had improved and there was a system in place to identify, report and respond to safeguarding concerns. Improvements had been made in maintaining accurate records and dignity and privacy had been maintained. Care workers ensured people received care tailored to their needs.