During this inspection the Inspector gathered evidence to help answer our five key questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?At the time of the inspection the service had gone through some significant changes, due to the restructure of a number of local authority services. They had been required to accommodate some people who had lived within another local authority home and further changes were expected in the near future as the facility was to be primarily a service for people who required respite breaks.
During the inspection we looked at care, partnership working, use of equipment, staff requirements and quality assurance.
This is a summary of what we found, using evidence obtained via observations, speaking with staff, speaking with people who used the service and their families, and looking at records:
Is the service caring?
We observed good interaction between staff and people who used the service. Staff were friendly and respectful and cared for people in a timely and efficient manner.
We looked at care records and saw they included a range of health and personal information which was factual and up to date. Information included personal choices, preferences and risk evaluation which helped ensure care was delivered in an individual way for each person.
We saw evidence that people who used the service and their relatives were involved in reviews. One relative told us, 'We are invited to reviews. We have a say and they take our point of view into consideration. They always listen to us'.
People at the home all lived with dementia, so it was difficult to obtain their views. However, we spoke with one person, who showed us their bedroom and said, 'This is my room, I like it. These are all my things'.
Is the service responsive?
People's individual care needs were assessed and care delivered in as personal and individual way as possible. We saw evidence of the consideration of mental capacity and decisions being made in people's best interests, with the input of relevant professionals, family and friends.
The service had been required to adapt to a significant number of changes due to the restructure of a number of local authority services. They had efficiently accommodated people coming from another home, and had helped them to settle in to a new home in a short space of time. They had also been required provide reassurance to families who were understandably upset and unsettled by the change, which they had achieved well.
Is the service safe?
Risk assessments, such as moving and handling and safe use of equipment were in place in the care records, along with clear guidance for staff to follow. These risk assessments were reviewed and updated regularly to ensure people's needs were met safely.
Staff had undertaken all required training and their knowledge and skills were appropriate for their roles. Staff guidance was in place to help support them in their roles.
Appropriate equipment was in place to help ensure the safety of the people who used the service, for example crash mats, sensor alarms to alert staff to potential danger, hoists, wheelchairs and slings. The equipment was well maintained, clean, fit for purpose and in working order.
Building and security checks were carried out on a regular basis to ensure the safety of the premises.
Is the service effective?
Staff with whom we spoke demonstrated a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
Feedback from the recent relatives' survey indicated a good level of satisfaction. Relatives were confident to offer suggestions for improvements and there was evidence that these were considered and responded to appropriately.
Is the service well-led?
Although there had been a number of recent changes to management, due to the restructuring of many of the local authority services, the staff felt they were now more settled. Managers from the other services involved were contactable in the absence of their own manager and were seen to offer support and assistance when required.
There were a significant number of quality assurance measures in place ensuring monitoring and improvement was ongoing within the service.
The manager who attended on the day of the visit told us they were well supported by higher management and they felt they could ask for assistance whenever they needed to.