This was an unannounced inspection which took place on 7 January 2015.
We had previously carried out an inspection in August 2014 when we found the service had breached the six regulations we reviewed. We made compliance actions that required the provider to make the necessary improvements in relation to: care and welfare of people; management of medicines; safety and suitability of premises; recruitment and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
Following the inspection in August 2014 the provider sent us an action plan telling us what steps they were going to take to ensure compliance with the regulations.
Littleborough Home For the Elderly (HFE) is registered to provide accommodation for up to 26 people who require support with personal care. At the time of this inspection there were 16 people living at the service.
There was a registered manager in place at Littleborough HFE. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager was not on site every day and had delegated responsibility for the day to day running of the service to the care manager. However, there is no provision within the Act for such delegation.
We found a number of breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report.
Most people we spoke with who used the service told us they felt safe in Littleborough HFE. This view was confirmed by the visitors we spoke with. When asked if they felt safe, one person who used the service told us, “Some [staff] are not so nice.”
Staff were able to tell us of the correct procedure to follow should they have any concerns about the safety of a person who used the service. Staff also knew how to report any poor practice they might observe in the service. They told us they were confident they would be listened to by the care manager if they were to raise any concerns.
We found the systems to ensure the safe administration of medicines in the service were not sufficiently robust to ensure people who used the service were adequately protected. This was a breach of Regulation 13 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.
We observed staffing levels were generally sufficient on the day of our inspection although we noted two people who used the service had to wait for some time to receive the assistance they needed to eat their meals.
Most staff told us they had received the training they needed for their role, although one staff member told us they had not received any moving and handling training since they started work at the service. We found improvements also needed to be made to the supervision and appraisal systems in the service to ensure staff were supported to continue their learning and development. This was a breach of Regulation 23 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.
Staff were aware of their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); these provide legal safeguards for people who may be unable to make their own decisions. Both the registered manager and the manager providing cover for the day to day running of the service at the time of our inspection demonstrated their knowledge about the process to follow should it be necessary to place any restrictions on a person who used the service in their best interests.
A plan of refurbishment was almost complete for the service. We saw the communal areas and some bedrooms had been redecorated. Flooring had also been replaced in the ground floor hallway and lounge/dining room and necessary repairs completed. However, improvements needed to be made to ensure the environment was suitable for people living with a dementia
People gave us conflicting information about the quality of the food provided in Littleborough HFE, although from our observations at lunchtime we noted most people appeared to enjoy their meal. We were told that staff did not always ensure people who used the service received regular drinks during the day; this view was supported by some of our observations during the inspection.
Systems were in place to monitor people’s nutritional needs but we found advice from a dietician had not been included in one person’s care plan. This meant there was a risk they might not receive appropriate nutrition.
Most people we spoke with spoke with gave positive feedback about the attitude and approach of staff. During the inspection we noted staff were caring and gentle in their approach towards people. We also observed staff respected the dignity and privacy of people who used the service when approaching them to discuss their personal care needs.
From the records we looked at we found limited evidence that people had been involved in reviewing their care needs with staff. Care records needed to be improved to include more information about people’s wishes and preferences in relation to how their care should be provided. This was a breach of Regulation 17 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.
A part time activity coordinator was employed to work in the service. We found people were encouraged to participate in a range of activities, mainly on a group basis. Improvements needed to be made to ensure the interests of people who used the service were identified and, where necessary, appropriate activities offered on an individual basis.
We found complaints people had made were not always logged. This meant we could not be certain if appropriate action had been taken to investigate and resolve the concerns raised. This was a breach of Regulation 19 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.
Although there were a number of quality assurance measures in place in the service, including audits relating to care plans, staff files and medication, we found these had not been sufficiently robust to identify some of the issues we found during the inspection. This was a breach of Regulation 10 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.
Staff we spoke with told us they enjoyed working at Littleborough HFE and that they received good support from the care manager who was responsible for the day to day running of the service. Staff told us morale had improved since the last inspection and that this had made a positive impact on the service provided