16 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Is the service safe?
People told us the care they received was very good. They told us they felt safe when the care workers were in their home. One person told us that, 'All the care staff are lovely and very respectful'
There were appropriate policies and procedures relating to consent.. Staff had received training and were clear about their responsibilities. People who received a service told us staff always asked consent before they did anything. The organisation had appropriate policies and procedures in relation to the Mental Capacity Act. Staff were clear about their role and responsibilities where people lacked the capacity to consent.
The provider had appropriate systems in place with regard to safeguarding. We saw examples of thorough investigations into allegations of abuse and referrals to the Local Authority safeguarding teams.
There were appropriate recruitment and selection processes that were followed in practice. All staff had up to date 'Disclosure and Barring Service' checks. Registered Nursing staff had their registration status checked annually.
Systems were in place to ensure that learning took place from incidents and complaints. Risk assessments were robust and reviewed regularly. This reduced the risks to people and helped the service to continually improve.
Is the service effective?
Care plans were kept up to date and contained relevant information to ensure people's safety and welfare. Staff told us that the care plans provided them with sufficient information to deliver people's care.
People were fully involved in developing their care plans. Risk assessments were completed for each person. Actions to reduce the risks identified were clearly reflected in care plans.
Information and guidance was available to staff to support them in delivering care. Staff had access to lead nurses, care coordinators and the manager for advice and support.
Staff had received training relevant to their role and the needs of the people they cared for. Where complex care was required, staff had their skills assessed prior to delivering any care.
Is the service caring?
People told us that the staff were kind and attentive and treated them with dignity and respect. One person told us, 'All the staff are very kind and they understand my condition which is very important to me'. We saw that care records recorded people's likes, preferences and dislikes. Staff told us that the wishes of people who received the service were of the utmost importance.
People's comments, recorded in annual survey's and care plan reviews, were very positive about the care they received.
Is the service responsive?
People told us that the issues they raised and suggestions they made were acted upon. One person told us they had raised an issue recently which had been dealt with and resolved immediately. People told us they knew how to make a complaint if they needed to. None of the people we spoke with had had occasion to make a formal complaint. However, they told us that they were confident that if they did need to complain it would be dealt with appropriately.
An annual survey was undertaken and people's views on the service were sought at each care review. An analysis of incident and accidents was undertaken on a monthly basis. Action plans were in place to address the issues raised.
Is the service well-led?
Our report shows that the provider has three registered managers. However two of these are no longer working at the service but their names remains on our register. The registered manager of this service is Geraldine Hart.
Staff told us that they felt supported by their registered manager, lead nurses and care coordinators. Staff told us that their manager listened to their views and acted upon issues raised. We saw that there was a wide range of training available. Staff told us that they were supported to undertake training relevant to their role. Staff demonstrated they were clear about their role and responsibilities.
There were systems and processes in place to monitor the quality of the service. This included analysis of incidents and complaints, satisfaction surveys and supervision visits to observe the care delivered.