31 January, 1 February and 8 February 2023
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Our rating of this location went down. We rated it as requires improvement because:
- This was a comprehensive inspection where we looked at the relevant key questions in full for acute wards for adults of working age and child and adolescent mental health wards. As a result of this inspection, the overall ratings for these two core services went down, from good to requires improvement. When combined with our ratings from previous inspections for the two other core services delivered at this site (hospital inpatient-based substance misuse services and specialist eating disorder services), we have rated two of the four core services provided at The Priory Hospital Roehampton as requires improvement. This means the rating for The Priory Hospital Roehampton has changed from good to requires improvement. We rated the hospital as requires improvement overall and rated the domain of safe, caring and well-led as requires improvement. Effective and responsive are rated as good.
- The service had made changes since our last inspection in February 2022 of the child and adolescent wards, but further work was needed to fully address the breach of regulation and to ensure that areas required for improvement were fully completed, embedded and sustained, particularly in relation to competence of agency staff and ensuring a strong leadership presence on the wards. Managerial and clinical leadership on the wards was in a state of ongoing change while permanent staff were recruited. This was having an impact on the leadership of the hospital while senior staff covered vacant posts.
- The service had some staffing challenges. They did not have enough permanent members of staff to cover all shifts in the child and adolescent wards. Managers covered vacancies using agency members of staff, but these staff were not always familiar with young people’s needs. Patients also told us that agency staff did not always understand their personal space, and some carers said agency staff did not always communicate effectively with them.
- The service did not ensure that staff managed risks in the environment. Ligature risks and blind spots in the acute wards were not always well mitigated. Staff were not always present in inpatient areas to observe and mitigate risk. Some staff were not aware of what a ligature point was and therefore their mitigations. Whilst some parts of the wards had CCTV, these cameras did not always cover all communal areas of the wards.
- The child and adolescent wards were not always clean. Although the hospital kept cleaning records for the ward areas, these were not always effective, as parts of the ward environment on Lower Court were visibly dusty and cluttered. We found expired food in patient kitchens across all four wards inspected.
- At the time of inspection, staff had not completed all mandatory training. Some face-to-face training modules, such as immediate life support training and restraint, had low completion rates. The service did, however, have a plan to ensure staff completed the training. All staff were booked to complete training by May 2023.
- Team meetings on Garden Wing and Upper Court did not always cover all standard agenda points. Whilst lessons learned from incidents were shared across the hospital by senior staff, some staff we spoke with were unable to recall any learning from recent incidents. Handovers on Lower Court lacked structure.
- Staff did not always complete physical health checks. On Lower Court, staff did not always complete food and fluid charts for young people who had been identified as needing them. There were gaps noted when reviewing patient’s medication administration charts on the acute wards. A patient who was on high dose antipsychotics did not have a completed form to show the patient’s physical health was being monitored.
- Some staff felt it was sometimes difficult to work on the ward due to the difference in cultures. One staff member felt some staff were on Garden Wing were unprofessional. They felt managers who were not from an ethnic minority did not understand the problems they felt. However, managers attempted to support the team’s cultures to blend, and they felt able to speak to managers with any concerns.
- Not all patients and carers were adequately involved in services they received. For example, on the acute wards some patients were not adequately involved in decisions about their care, some did not have a copy of their care plan and ward community meetings were not always taking place regularly. On the child and adolescent mental health wards some carers we spoke with said that staff did not always keep them informed about their relatives’ care and treatment, and generally communication was inconsistent.
- There was an overly restrictive blanket restriction in regard to leave for patients on the acute wards. Patients, including informal patients, on 4 hourly observations only had access to escorted leave If an informal patient wanted unescorted leave, this had to be assessed by a doctor, which meant a significant delay before a patient, for whom no legal authority for detention is in place, is allowed to exercise a legal right.
- On Upper Court did not have information on advocacy services available to patients. Signs explaining informal patient rights were not visible on either ward.
- Our findings from other key questions demonstrated that governance processes did not always operate effectively across the four wards inspected. For example, on the child and adolescent mental health wards, the provider’s housekeeping procedures did not ensure all ward areas were effectively cleaned. There were lapses in recording of restraint and food and fluid chart documentation. On the acute wards, governance processes had not identified the areas needed for improvement on the wards. Staff participated in clinical audit, but where actions were identified, specific plans to address these areas were not made. Across both wards, there were no systems in place to ensure patient food had not expired in patient kitchens.
- Since our last inspection of child and adolescent mental health wards in February 2022, some changes required from this inspection had been made. Agency staff now had access to patient records and regular supervision, staff had access to regular staff meetings and debriefs following incidents, there was now a clear care pathway in place to support admissions, and there were robust systems in place to learn from incidents. Despite these improvements, the provider’s governance processes highlighted that Lower Court still required significant improvement during an internal assessment of the ward in December 2022. Senior management put an immediate action plan in place to support the performance of the ward. We found that the changes made had led to improvements, but time was required to ensure they were embedded consistently.
- The service was working hard to recruit and retain staff and they had an on-going recruitment plan in place. Staff block booked regular agency to support consistency on the wards.
- Staff assessed most risks to patients and themselves well and followed best practice in anticipating, de-escalating and managing challenging behaviour. Staff used restraint and rapid tranquilisation only after attempts at de-escalation had failed. However, staff did not always record details about how physical restraint had been used.
- The ward teams had access to the full range of specialists required to meet the needs of patients on the wards. Managers ensured that these staff received supervision and appraisal. Staff developed holistic, recovery-oriented care plans informed by a comprehensive assessment. They provided a range of treatments suitable to the needs of the patients and in line with national guidance about best practice.
- Staff understood and discharged their roles and responsibilities under the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
- Most staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, and understood the individual needs of patients. They actively involved patients in care decisions. We observed caring and jovial interactions between staff and patients on Lower Court and Richmond Court.
- Leaders had the skills, knowledge and experience to perform their roles. They had a good understanding of the services they managed. They were visible in the service and approachable for patients and staff.