5 - 6 September 2018
During a routine inspection
We rated Huntercombe Hospital - Stafford as good because:
- The hospital had taken action and showed that improvements had been made in areas that the provider was required to improve on in January 2017 and September 2017 inspections. These improvements included, staff training, psychological therapies and leadership, blanket restrictions, adherence to the Mental Capacity Act and the recruitment strategy for permanent staff.
- Staff managed risk well. They made a comprehensive risk assessment for every patient, reviewed this regularly and updated it when required. They carried out regular environmental risk assessments to ensure the environment was safe.
- The wards had enough staff to meet the patients’ needs and allowed patients to have regular one-to-one time with their named nurse.
- Staff ensured that every patient had an up to date, personalised, holistic and recovery orientated care plan. They ensured that patients had good access to physical healthcare, including access to specialists when needed.
- Staff tailored one-to-one engagement, leisure activities, and support to develop social and independent living skills to address the individual needs of each patient. Patients had access to a wide range of therapeutic activities. Staff encouraged and worked in creative and flexible ways to promote educational activities
- Patients spoke highly of support they received from staff. They told us that staff understood their individual needs, were polite, compassionate and always willing to offer that emotional and practical support. Staff actively involved patients in decisions around their care and the service. The hospital had demonstrated high commitment to develop the service with the full participation of patients. Staff gave patients information on how to make complaints and patients knew how to complain or raise concerns.
- Managers provided staff with regular supervision and an annual appraisal. Staff overwhelmingly reported high levels of satisfaction including those on contract from agency. All staff told us that they felt greatly respected, supported and valued. The leaders showed the high levels of experience and ability needed to provide high quality care.
- There were effective systems in place to monitor and review progress against the strategy and plans. There were effective working systems and ways for governance structure and arrangements.
- Staff followed good practice in medicines management process, all medication was stored appropriately. Medication was audited regularly.
- The service relied heavily on agency staff to cover high number of vacancies.
- Not all staff were up to date with prevent and manual handling practical training.