• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Huntleigh Lodge - Care Home

Taylors Avenue, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, DN35 0LE (01472) 692986

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

14 January 2014

During a themed inspection looking at Dementia Services

At the time of our visit we were told there were 27 people who used the service, of which 26 had a diagnosis of dementia or related condition. During our inspection we spoke with six people with dementia and seven relatives to gain their views. We left comment cards following our visit to gain feedback on the service and received 10 responses which were generally complimentary.

We found there was a clear focus on dementia care in the home. The manager was aware of good practice guidelines relating to dementia and these were incorporated into the care provided at the home.

We found each person had their needs fully assessed prior to and following admission. We observed care was personalised and reflected people's choices and preferences. We found staff were knowledgeable about how to care for people with dementia and they demonstrated a skilled and sensitive approach.

The staff worked well with other agencies and were proactive in ensuring that people with dementia received all the care and support they required from the appropriate agency. People were supported if they required hospital admission and information was provided to hospital staff to assist them to care for the person with dementia.

The provider had an effective quality assurance system in place and people's views and opinions of the service were listened to and acted on where necessary.

26 February 2013

During a routine inspection

Where people did not have the capacity to give their consent, the provider acted in accordance with legal requirements. The registered manager told us 'If someone can't understand something then we will arrange for an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) and hold a best interest meeting.'

Relatives we spoke with told us 'I think the care is very good here', 'They are all very caring' and 'They have looked after him well.' We spoke with a person who used the service who said 'You are safe here and you will find yourself good friends.'

Discussion with the chef indicated that the service catered for people with diabetes and those who required a soft or pureed diet. The chef explained 'I have a board that says who is diabetic and who can't eat solids.'

A care assistant we spoke with said 'When new staff first start with us, they have to go through induction which covers lots of training then they will follow us round to see how we do things.' Staff were able, from time to time, to obtain further relevant qualifications, we were told 'I have done my NVQ level two and am going to do level three.'

A relative we spoke to said that if they had a complaint 'They would go and see that manager but I can't imagine complaining' and went on to say 'It is more like an extended family, we can't praise them enough. If I had dementia this is where I would want to be.'

13 December 2011

During a routine inspection

Most people living at the home had complex needs and were not able to verbally communicate their views and experiences to us. Due to this we have used a formal way to observe people in this review to help us understand how their needs were supported. We call this the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI).

Throughout the observation we saw all staff treat people with respect and courtesy. The atmosphere in the home was relaxed and during our observation we saw positive and friendly interaction between staff and people who use the service. We saw that people who use the service were given choices and supported to make decisions and staff took their time to understand people where they had communication difficulties.

We were able to speak to one person and they told us they were happy living at the home and felt safe there. We received comments such as 'The staff do everything for you', 'My room is lovely', 'You don't get bored as there is lots to do' and 'The new manager is very approachable'.

We spoke with a relative who was visiting at the time of our inspection and they spoke positively about the care provided at the home. They told us that they felt the home provided a good standard of care and the staff treated their relative with respect. We received comments such as 'The staff are brilliant', 'The staff are knowledgeable' and 'I am very happy with the service'.