We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people who used the service, including talking with people and their relatives and observing the care being delivered. The service cares for and supports people with a wide range of needs. Some people using the service were able to share their views and experiences whilst others had complex needs and were not able to tell us their experiences.
People we spoke with said they enjoyed living at the home and were very satisfied with the care and support they received. Comments included:
'Dignity, privacy; all that is well attended to.'
'The staff are kind and lovely with everyone.'
'The service is excellent, it was recommended to me by a friend and they were right.'
'Very comfortable here, get all the help I need.'
'I have never regretted moving in here.'
People's relatives we spoke with said they were involved in making decisions about their relatives care, their comments included:
'They have worked well with us and the medical team supporting Mum.'
'They always ask my opinion and get the specialist nurse in if needs be.'
Overall, we saw staff interacting with people in a respectful and caring manner. They showed warmth and thoughtfulness when giving support to people. Their communication with people was positive and clearly showed that staff knew people and their needs well. However, we did note that on two occasions staff attended to people's care needs in a way that did not promote dignity and respect. The manager responsible for the home at the time of our visit said this would be addressed as a matter of urgency and began to arrange to carry out an audit on respect and dignity in the home.
Most people who use the service were not able to tell us if they felt safe or protected from abuse. However, through our observations, we saw that people seemed confident in their surroundings and in their interactions with staff. They approached staff when they needed to and made good eye contact with them.
Others said they felt safe and they were treated well.
People who use the service spoke highly of the staff. They said they got on well with them and there were enough staff to meet their needs well. Their comments included:
'The staff are very good and plenty of them.'
'Ample staff, always come when you call them.'
'Excellent staff, all very friendly.'
'They keep a good eye on us; look in on us through the night as well.'
People's relatives were also complimentary of the staff. They said:
'Very accommodating, very welcoming.'
'They have a good understanding of Mum's needs.'
'Feel confident (name of person) is in good hands.'
'Always enough staff and they respond well to anything that is asked of them.'