We asked people if they are involved in their care and if staff treat them with respect. People informed us that they can choose to take part in activities, decide what they want to eat and staff care for them respecting their individuality and needs. People using the service made a number of positive comments about this when spoken to.One person said when asked if he is able to choose what he wants to do said.
'They always me what I want'.
Another person said:
'Staff treat me very well and always with respect'.
Another person summed up what he feels about people being treated at Tower House 1.
'We have the freedom to express our needs and staff treat us with dignity and respect'.
When discussing with one person the choice of meals, the person told us; 'I can choose want I want to eat'.
During discussions with people we asked a number of people if they are able to tell staff what they want and suggest different approaches to their care. People were very positive about this and all people spoken to told us that they have the opportunity to consent to their care.
Comments made by people:
'I am able to choose what I want to do'.
We asked people if they experience safe, effective and appropriate care in Tower House 1. People using the service told us that they are very happy with the care they receive in the home and are involved in the planning of their care. All people spoken to feel safe with staff and the way their needs are met by the service.
One person with Dementia told us when asked if the person was involved in care planning. 'I remember seeing my social worker once'. We assessed the person care plan review meeting minutes and it was evident that the person took part in that meeting.
We spoke to people and asked them about the choice of food, presentation of meals, quality of food and if food is meeting people's cultural background and identity.
People using the service were extremely positive about the food provided in Tower House 1 and all people spoken to praised the quality of food offered.
We spoke to some people about the choice of food and if the food is cultural appropriate. Comments made by people were positive/
One person told us. 'I love the African food provided here'.
We discussed with people if they are supported accessing other health care services to ensure their health care needs are met.
One person told us:
'The manager accompanied me to the hospital'.
We asked people using the service, if they feel safe in Tower House 1, all people spoken to confirm that they feel safe and well looked after by staff.
We also asked people whom they would talk to if they are not safe or unhappy with the treatment by staff. All people spoken to were confident that the manager would deal with their concerns and have currently no concern they wanted to share with us.
We spoke to people about the cleanliness in Tower House 1 and asked them if they are happy with hygiene procedures and the overall standard of Health and Safety. People spoke very positively about the cleanliness in the home and informed us that they do not have any concerns.
We discussed with people during our site visit how they experience staff support around the administration of medication. People feel that the help received is appropriate and is meeting their needs.
During our visit we asked people, if they are satisfied with the home and if they were able to personalise their personal space. People confirmed that they like living at Tower House 1 and are satisfied with the upkeep of the premises.
During our visit we discussed with people if they feel safe with carers provided and if carers know how to meet their needs. People commented positively about staff at the home and praised the support received.
We asked people if they have to wait for long periods when they require staff support and if they feel that there sufficient staff are on duty to meet their needs.
People made the following positive comments:
'There is always enough staff on duty'.
We discussed with people if they think staff are aware of their job.
A comment made by a person:
'They know what they are doing'.
We spoke to people and asked them if they are able to complain, who they would raise the complaint with and if they are confident that the provider will deal with their complaints appropriately; all people spoken to feel confident that the provider responds to their complaints appropriately and within the given time scales.
We spoke to people if they have had access to their records and feel that they are stored safely to protect their identity. People told us that they are happy with the way their information is handled and have access to their care plan records whe3nver required.
We asked people if they are provided with sufficient food, snacks and heating in Tower House and if the provider is dealing with maintenance issues and decoration requests promptly. People voiced no concerns in regards to the above and were happy with the food and maintenance requirements.