About the service: Craegmoor Supporting You in East Anglia is registered to provide personal care to people living in their own homes. Its provides a regulated activity to nine people with varying needs including autism, mental health issues and, or learning disabilities. Support ranged from an outreach service, to a 24-hour service. People’s experience of using this service:
¿ We have rated the service as good overall but requires improvement in well led. There were systems in place to review the service in respect of compliance and risk. We found however there were a number of issues which had not been identified at the time of the inspection. Health and safety audits had identified concerns but these had only been put in place recently.
¿Some people were living in poor standards of accommodation which could have an impact on their health and safety. This was a landlord issue but we discussed this with the service who told us how they were supporting people to raise these issues with the landlord or advocating on their behalf.
¿ The provider had identified that not all their staff training was adequate in terms of supporting people who behaviour might challenge. We found that some staff were not confident in supporting people who had behaviours which could impact negatively on themselves or others. Staff had e-learning around managing and deescalating behaviours but agreed this was not in sufficient depth, or give them the necessary confidence.
incident management was in place but information not clearly collated too see if additional actions might help reduce the level of incidents. Behavioural plans and risk assessments did not show how other health care professionals had been involved. Gaps in record keeping were identified and clear processes were not in place for every situation.
¿People spoken with were happy with the service they received and staff enhanced their experiences by providing care and support in a timely way around their assessed needs. This was reflected in people’s support plans.
¿ The service engaged with people about the service and their wider care issues.
¿ People felt safe and staff were supported in their role to help them deliver effective care and support. Clear records of induction were not seen on each staff file we looked at but the registered manager was aware of this and showed us how they were addressing it. Staff recruitment and induction was sufficiently
¿ Staff training was an area for development to ensure all staff had been assessed as competent in the work place and felt confident in their job role.
¿The service was well planned to ensure staff were available to provide the support needed and emergency situations had been assessed and planned for.
¿ Risks were managed and we found systems in place to help ensure people had their medicines as required. Audit tools were not fit for their current purpose and medicines records were not audited as often as the service said they should be. This was an oversight which the registered manager told us how they would address.
¿People had capacity to make decisions and their consent was recorded. They were involved in their support and encouraged to be autonomous and independent.
Rating at last inspection: (Good) the last report was published on 05 August 2016.
Why we inspected This was a scheduled planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Follow up: Going forward we will continue to monitor this service and plan to inspect in line with our re-inspection schedule for those services rated Good.