11, 18 January 2011
During a routine inspection
'The staff help me make decisions, they want me to keep safe,'
'it's up to me really, but staff are there if I need them.'
'I have an advocate; they come to my review meetings and comes and talks to me, and helps me to sort things out.'
People had a plan of care, which had been completed with each person and people could choose how things were written, and included pictures and photographs to support individuals understanding. The plans were reviewed with people and any changes were recorded. People had access to their records at any time and told us: 'They're our plans, we do them with the staff, and we got to choose the pictures,' 'I know what's in them and I sit with my key worker and go through it.'
Where people needed health support, this was discussed with each person and the care people needed was recorded. People told us they could decide if they wanted to be seen in private when receiving health care. One comment was, 'I prefer it if the staff come too, they can make sure they know everything in case I forget.'
The routines and daily activities were flexible and staff responded to people's needs and the staffing was provided to ensure people were able to carry out planned activities. People spoke positively about the staff and the support they provided. Comments included;
'The staff are good because they do nice things for you, and make sure everything is alright,'
'You can always talk to the staff, they help me sort things out.'
Meals were planned individually and each person had their own weekly budget and was responsible buying food, preparing and cooking the meal.
The home supported people to develop skills needed to live independently and people who used the service knew how to keep safe in the home and the community. People told us they felt safe in the home and would talk to the staff if they were worried.
People knew how to make a complaint, and told us they would be comfortable talking to staff about any concern. People said;
'I'd talk to my key worker or the manager,'
'I can ring my advocate up if I want to.'