This inspection took place on 14 October 2015. Twenty-four hours’ notice of the inspection was given to ensure that the people we needed to speak to were available.
The service is registered to provide accommodation and support for up to six people with learning disabilities and mental health needs. There were six people living at Westview during our inspection who were living with learning disabilities and/ or mental health needs. People were largely independent and required only support and prompting in their day to day lives.
Westview is a large domestic-style house. There was a large lounge available with comfortable seating and a TV for people. There was also a kitchen with a table at which people could sit to eat. There was an enclosed garden to the rear of the building. Westview is situated in a residential street near to the sea in Folkestone.
The service had a registered manager in post at the time of our visit. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
A survey of people living in the service found that they reported feeling safe. Staff knew how to recognise signs of abuse and how to report it. They told us how they protected people from financial abuse and supported people to be safe in the community.
Assessments had been made about physical and environmental risks to people and actions had been taken to minimise these. Incidents and accidents were managed appropriately to avoid recurrences.
There were enough staff on duty to support people, and proper pre-employment checks had taken place to ensure that staff were suitable for their roles.
Medicines had been managed appropriately and equipment had been serviced on a regular basis to ensure that it remained safe for use.
Staff had received training in a wide range of topics and this had been regularly refreshed.
Supervisions and appraisals had taken place to make sure they were performing to the required standard and to identify developmental needs.
People’s rights had been protected by assessments made under the Mental Capacity Act (MCA).
Staff understood about restraint and applications had been made to deprive people of their liberty when this was deemed necessary.
Menus were rotated on a four-weekly basis and people said the meals were “Tasty”. People were offered choice and their requests for more stews and curries for the Winter had been met. Weights were recorded to identify any significant gains or losses which might need to be addressed further.
Healthcare needs had been assessed and addressed. People had regular appointments with GPs, opticians, dentists, chiropodists and podiatrists to help them maintain their health and well-being.
Staff treated people with kindness and respect for their privacy and dignity. Each person had a keyworker assigned to them to give individual and focused support. Staff knew people well and remembered the things that were important to them so that they received person-centred care.
People had been involved in their care planning and care plans recorded the ways in which they liked their support to be given. Bedrooms were personalised and people’s preferences were respected. Independence was encouraged so that people were able to help themselves as much as possible.
Relatives and people knew how to complain if they wished to and were given the opportunity to voice their views about the service at ‘Your voice’ meetings. This meant they could engage with the service and influence changes.
Staff felt that there was a culture or openness and honesty in the service and said that they enjoyed working there. This created a comfortable and relaxed environment for people to live in.
Systems were in place to assess and monitor the quality and safety of the service. This was achieved by the effective use of auditing and through encouraging feedback from people, relatives and staff.