The Hampshire Clinic is one of 62 hospitals and treatment centres provided by BMI Healthcare Ltd. It is located in Old Basing, Hampshire, and on-site facilities include 58 available beds, four theatres (two laminar flow), an endoscopy suite, and outpatient suite offering consulting and treatment rooms, and an imaging department offering X ray and ultrasound. The hospital also has a static MRI and CT run under a service contract with Alliance Medical: this service was not included during this inspection as it is a separate organisation.
The BMI Hampshire Clinic provides a range of medical, surgical and diagnostic services to patients who pay for themselves, are insured, or are NHS-funded patients. Services offered include general surgery, orthopaedics, highly-specialist gastro intestinal surgery, general medicine, oncology, dermatology, physiotherapy, endoscopy and diagnostic imaging.
Medical services can be thought of as those services that involve assessment, diagnosis and treatment of adults by means of medical interventions rather than surgery. The medical service consists of two separate components; oncology chemotherapy treatment, and a diagnostic endoscopy service. Endoscopy or chemotherapy services undertaken as a day case are therefore included within medical care in this report.
The announced inspection took place on 21 and 22 March 2016, followed by a routine unannounced visit on 5 April 2016.
This was a comprehensive planned inspection of all core services provided at the hospital: medicine, surgery, outpatient and diagnostic imaging. There is a small critical care facility and this was inspected under surgical services. There are some surgical and outpatient services for patients under 16 years, and these are reported on within the surgical report by Specialist Advisers, but the majority of patients are adults
The Hampshire Clinic was selected for a comprehensive inspection as part of our routine inspection programme. The inspection was conducted using the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection methodology.
Our key findings were as follows:
Are services safe at this hospital?
By safe, we mean people are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
Patients were protected from the risk of abuse and avoidable harm acrossall inspected services.
Staff reported incidents and openness about safety was encouraged.
Incidents were monitored and reviewed in most services and staff clearly demonstrated examples of learning from these.
Clinical areas were visibly clean and tidy. Hospital infection prevention and control practices were followed and these were regularly monitored, to reduce the risk of spread of infections. Where necessary, action was taken to address any identified learning.
Staff received appropriate training for their role, were supported to keep their skills up-to-date and were further supported in their role through a corporate performance review process. BMI set a target of 90% compliance with mandatory training. Records provided by the hospital showed that the compliance rate for OPD staff was 100% and 100 % for diagnostic imaging staff
Staff followed national and local guidance when providing care and treatment.
Equipment was maintained and tested, in line with manufacturer’s guidance. There were appropriate checks and maintenance on the hospital building and plant.
Medicines were stored securely and chemotherapy was prepared safely. Nursing staff were trained to administer chemotherapy.
There was regular monitoring of patient records for accuracy and completeness. They were securely stored and available when needed.
Staffing levels and skills mix were planned, implemented and reviewed to keep patient’s safe at all times.
Plans were in place to respond to emergencies and major situations.
Are services effective at this hospital?
By effective, we mean that people’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
Patients care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with current evidence based guidance, best practice and legislation.
The medical advisory committee (MAC) reviewed patient outcomes and the renewal of practising privileges of individual consultants. It also reviewed policies and guidance and advised on effective care. The Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) also monitored outcomes of individual consultants and fed back any concerns that were not within normal ranges.
Regular communication between BMI Hampshire Clinic Hospital Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Chair and the various trust medical directors was maintained to ensure a coordinated approach to consultant engagement. Consultant concerns were discussed by the hospital management team with the MAC Chair, and if considered serious enough, with the BMI Group Medical Director. Concerns that related to standards of practice, quality or patient safety were also shared with the consultant’s responsible officer.
Oncology patient outcomes were monitored at cancer multi-disciplinary meetings and doctors monitored them in their follow up clinics.
Patients’ pain needs were met appropriately during a procedure or investigation. Pain relief was managed effectively using a patient scoring tool,
The consent process for patients was well structured and, although rarely used in practice, staff demonstrated a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Completed consent forms were seen in the oncology unit’s patient records. These were clear and concise and showed consent had been obtained from the patient for planned treatment.
Quarterly consent audits were completed as part of the hospital audit programme. Results of audits for 2015 showed 75% compliance with standards. Actions for improvement included ensuring the consultant’s full name as well as signature was recorded on the form.
The endoscopy service did not have Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) accreditation. Preliminary work by the corporate endoscopy team to assess the status of the endoscopy service had led to a proposal to redesign the service at BMI Hampshire Clinic which was about to commence at the time of our inspection
Patient outcome data was reported for comparative analysis for surgical services, but the endoscopy service was not auditing their performance or collecting data on patient outcomes.
Patient satisfaction regarding food quality had declined recently since outsourcing the contract. The hospital management were closely monitoring and addressing these issues to ensure improvements were made. A dietician was onsite every Thursday and oncology patients were referred as needed.
Staff were competent, skilled and knowledgeable, and were supported to further enhance their clinical and counselling skills.
Are services caring at this hospital?
By caring, we mean that staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
There were substantial observations and comments about the emotional care afforded to patients undergoing highly -specialist and complex surgery. The responsible surgeons made themselves available and accessible to patients, ward staff and the RMO, beyond expectation.
Staff responded compassionately when patients needed help and supported them to meet their personal needs as and when required. Some patients described “exceptional care” delivered by highly-motivated and caring staff. These staff were noted to be not just nursing staff, but across a wide range of professional and non professional staff bodies.
Patients and staff worked together to plan care and there was shared decision-making about care and treatment.
Staff helped patients and those close to them to cope emotionally with their care and treatment.
Patients commented that they had been well supported by staff, particularly if they have received upsetting or difficult news at their outpatient appointment.
Patients were treated courteously and respectfully, and their privacy and dignity was maintained.
Staff described how all children were involved in the discussions and decision making processes about their treatment and care, in a way which supported their understanding.
Patients and relatives commented positively about the care provided and said they were involved in decision making.
The hospital took part in the Friends and Family Test (FFT). For the reporting period April 2015 to September 2015, 99% of patients said they would recommend the hospital to their friends and families. Between 20% to 38% of patients responded to the FFT.
Are services responsive at this hospital?
By responsive, we mean that services are organised so they meet people’s needs.
Services were planned and delivered in way which met the needs of the local population. Patients told us that there was good access to appointments and at times which suited their needs.
Waiting times, delays, and cancellations were minimal and managed appropriately. Facilities and premises were appropriate for the services being delivered.
The hospital was a provider of Choose and Book which is an E-Booking software application for the National Health Service (NHS) in England: this allows patients needing an outpatient appointment or surgical procedure to choose which hospital they are referred to by their GP, and to book a convenient date and time for their appointment.
There was openness and transparency in how complaints were dealt with, and staff could demonstrate where learning and actions had taken place. Patient’s comments and complaints were listened to and acted upon. Information on how to make a complaint was provided on the BMI Hampshire website. However, we did not see any guidance, posters or leaflets instructing patients on how to make a complaint.
A complaints database enabled the executive director and the director of nursing to track progress and close complaints when the complainant was satisfied.
For the reporting period January 2015 to December 2015, the hospital consistently met the target of 95% of non-admitted patients beginning their treatment within 18 weeks of referral.
Patients were able to access services when needed and we found services responsive to meeting individual needs. They were satisfied with the appointments system. Most patients told us it was easy to get an appointment when they needed it.
Staff recognised the need to support people with complex or additional needs and made adjustments wherever possible. However, staff noted there were rarely patients who had complex or additional needs.
Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) for February to June 2015 showed the hospital scored 78% for dementia which was slightly lower than the England average of 81%.
Are services well led at this hospital?
By well led, we mean that the leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality person-centred care, supports learning and innovations and promotes an open and fair culture.
There was a clear statement of vision and values, which was driven by quality and safety. This aligned with the corporate purpose and vision of providing high-quality and convenient patient care
Staff knew and understood the vision, values and strategic goals.
Quality of care was regularly discussed in board meetings, and in other relevant meetings below the board level.
There was an effective and comprehensive process in place to identify, understand and monitor and address current and future risks. Staff attended governance meetings and committees such as infection prevention and control meetings. Staff received feedback from hospital-wide meetings in emails and we saw team meeting minutes that were available to all staff.
There were effective governance structures, and a hospital- wide risk register which was updated regularly. Departmental risk registers also identified specific risks in that area which may affect staff, patients and visitors. The risk registers reflected actions to be taken to mitigate any risks. However, the Hospital’s risk register captured high level, hospital wide risks, but this was not fully mature at theatre level.
The Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) met monthly. The MAC had standing agenda items, which included regulatory compliance, practicing privileges, incidents and complaints, quality assurance and proposed new clinical services and techniques. There was representation at this meeting from anaesthetics, and different surgical disciplines.
The departments provided the senior management team (SMT) with a weekly report, which effectively updated them with operational information from that week. This included any risk issues.
There was a culture of collective responsibility between teams and services. Information and analysis was used proactively to identify opportunities to drive improvement in care.
All policies were approved at local and corporate level. Staff had access to policies in hard copy and on the intranet and signed a declaration to confirm they had read and understood the policy relevant to their area of work.
Staff reported an open and transparent culture. They were positive about the leadership at management level. They told us the leadership team were visible, accessible and approachable. They felt concerns were listened to and where possible acted upon.
Consultants we spoke with were positive about senior members of the hospital and described good working relationships.
Patients were encouraged to leave feedback about their experience by the use of a patient satisfaction questionnaire and for NHS patients by the Friends and Family Test.
Results of the latest patient survey (February 2016) showed high levels of satisfaction with 99.6% recommendation.The hospital was 32nd place (out of 59 BMI hospitals) across the BMI group for patient satisfaction scores.
However, there were also areas of less good practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the provider must ensure:
accessible guidance on how to make a complaint is available to all patients
the plan to upgrade the endoscopy unit to meet Joint Advisory Group on gastrointestinal endoscopy (JAG) standards is progressed.
data on patient outcomes is collated to monitor performance.
staff are aware of and engaged with risks relating to their department.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals