The Sarum Road Hospital is one of 59 hospitals and treatment centres provided by BMI Healthcare Limited.
The hospital provides a range of medical, surgical and diagnostic services. The onsite facilities include an endoscopy suite, two operating theatres (both with laminar airflow), 48 registered beds (36 in use), one minor operations room, one treatment room and 10 consulting rooms. The hospital offers physiotherapy treatment as an inpatient and outpatient service in its own dedicated and fully equipped physiotherapy suite. In-health, a separate organisation, provides MRI scanning facilities. These services were not included in this inspection.
Services offered included general surgery, orthopaedics, cosmetic surgery, ophthalmology, general medicine, oncology, endoscopy, and diagnostic imaging. Most patients are self-paying or use private medical insurance. Some services are available to NHS patients through the NHS e-referral service.
The announced inspection took place between 25 and 26 February 2016, followed by a routine unannounced visit on 3 March 2016.
This was a comprehensive planned inspection of all core services provided at the hospital: medicine, surgery, outpatient and diagnostic imaging and services for children and young people.
The Sarum Road Hospital was selected for a comprehensive inspection as part of our routine inspection programme. The inspection was conducted using the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection methodology.
The overall rating for this service was ‘good'.
Our key findings were as follows:
Are services safe at this hospital?
- Patients were protected from the risk of abuse and avoidable harm across medical, surgical services, outpatient and diagnostic imaging services for children and young people. However, the five steps to safer surgical checklist used in endoscopy was not always fully completed. Two out of ten safer surgical checklists we reviewed in endoscopy patient records were not signed by a clinician and one was incomplete.
- Staff reported incidents and openness about safety was encouraged. Incidents were monitored and reviewed. We saw examples of changes in practice that occurred as a result of learning from incidents.
- Staff were aware of Duty of Candour legislation and how it should be applied.
- Staffing (nursing and medical) was sufficient to provide good care and treatment across all areas.
- All areas inspected were visibly clean and tidy and staff mostly adhered to Bare Below the Elbows (BBE) guidance. However, we observed theatre recovery staff were not always BBE. Equipment was maintained and tested in line with manufacturer’s guidance.
- There were suitable arrangements for handovers between shifts and there was a hospital wide ‘huddle’ that took place daily which gave all departments oversight of the hospital’s safety concerns and actions for that day. Clinical staff identified and responded to patient’s risks.
- Staff received regular simulation training to ensure they could respond appropriately if a patient became unwell. When needed, arrangements were in place to ensure patients could be safely transferred to a local NHS hospital. Bank staff compliance with mandatory training ranged from 55% to 80%, against a target of 85%.
Are services effective at this hospital?
- Care and treatment followed best practice and evidence based guidance across services.
- The hospital routinely collected and monitored information about patients’ surgical outcomes for comparative analysis against the BMI corporate dashboard and national performance audits. Patient outcomes were not routinely measured following endoscopy procedures. Endoscopy staff followed National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines and were working towards Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on gastrointestinal endoscopy accreditation. The Medical Advisory Committee were actively involved in reviewing patient outcomes and renewal of practicing privileges of individual consultants.
- Staff were competent and sufficiently skilled to deliver effective care and treatment.
- This hospital provided core training for staff in Mental Capacity Act, 2005, and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Staff routinely considered patients mental capacity to make decisions about their care and treatment. Where staff were unsure about the capacity of a patient to consent to care and treatment, they would seek advice from senior staff in the first instance. Written consent records for surgery took account of Department of Health guidance.
Are services caring at this hospital?
- Staff treated patients with kindness and compassion. Staff treated patients courteously and respectfully, and patients’ privacy and dignity were maintained.
- Feedback from patients about their care and treatment was consistently positive. Patients told us they had sufficient information about their treatment and were involved in decisions about their care. Results of the latest patient survey showed a high level of patient satisfaction, with the hospital scoring over 95%. Caring was good in the outpatients and diagnostic imaging service. This included the provision of emotional support.
- Staff verbally offered a chaperone to all outpatients and 95% of patients had accepted the offer of a chaperone. The same service received exemplary feedback from patients.
Are services responsive at this hospital?
- The hospital had service development plans for improvements at the hospital including meeting future demand. There were plans to upgrade the endoscopy service environment to achieve JAG accreditation.
- The medical service met national waiting times for endoscopy patients to wait no longer than 18 weeks for treatment after referral. The service was responsive to patients in the inclusion criteria, with waiting times of one to four weeks. There were no waiting lists for oncology services at this hospital. However, the hospital did not always meet national waiting times for surgical treatments.
- The needs of different people were taken into account when planning and delivering services. The provider planned and delivered services in a way that met the needs of the local population. The service reflected the importance of flexibility and choice. Staff took account of individual patient’s spiritual, religious and emotional needs when delivering care and treatment. Suitable adjustments were made to meet individual needs. For example, we saw the use of dementia friendly clocks and picture signs on the ward.
- Complaints and concerns were always listened to, lessons learnt and shared.
Are services well led at this hospital/service
- Staff were clear about the vision and strategy for their services, driven by quality and safety.
- All staff spoke highly of their senior management team, stating that they provided a visible and strong leadership within the hospital.
- There was an open and supportive learning culture.
- There was a clear governance framework to monitor quality, performance and risk at department, hospital and corporate level. Staff knew the risks, and action taken to mitigate these risks for their individual department. The risk register was not fully embedded and did not always include well known risks. The hospital did not have an end of life care strategy, pathway, or a named leader.
Our key findings were as follows:
Leadership at this hospital was strong. All staff were positive about their senior managers and there were daily meetings in place to ensure that concerns were escalated in a timely way.
Patients were protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
Staffing was sufficient in all areas. There was low use of bank and agency staffing across all areas.Staff were competent, skilled and well supported by their managers to deliver safe and effective care and treatment.
All clinical areas were visibly clean and equipment was well maintained.
Infection control practices were mostly good. Staff in theatre recovery did not always adhere to bare below the elbow guidance but action was taken to address this during the course of our inspection.
Patients’ nutrition and hydration needs were met. The hospital offered a wide range of food choices, and could cater for individual dietary requirements.
Patients reported staff managed their pain effectively and they had access to a variety of methods for pain relief.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
The provider should ensure:
The business plan to achieve Joint Advisory Group (JAG) accreditation is progressed.
There is an end of life strategy, which informs pathway development.
There is consistent staff compliance with WHO Safer surgery checklist in endoscopy.
There is a strategy for the children and young peoples’ service.
That service risks hospital-wide are recorded and actions to mitigate are recorded and tracked.
Recovery staff consistently adhere to the bare below the elbow policy in clinical areas.
That all Patient Group Directions are in date and authorised by the required members of staff.
The service meets national referral to treatment time targets for NHS surgical patients.
Bank staff training compliance should meet the hospital’s own target of at least 85%.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals