Updated 8 April 2019
Links Road Surgery is located in a residential area of Brighton and Hove, providing personal medical services to approximately 5,800 patients within the Portslade and West Hove area. The practice also provides care and treatment for the residents of a nearby care home, which serves individuals with dementia or nursing needs.
There are two GP partners, one salaried GP and one regular locum GP (two female, two male). Collectively they equate to approximately three full time GPs. There are four practice nurses and one phlebotomist/trainee healthcare assistant. GPs and nurses are supported by the practice manager and a team of reception/administration staff.
Data available to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows the practice serves a higher than average number of patients who are under 18 years of age when compared to the national average. The number of patients under over 65 years of age is slightly below the national average.
The practice is open from 8am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday. The practice closes at lunchtime from 1pm to 2pm; during this time patients can call the normal surgery phone number and a doctor is available. Outside of the opening hours care is provided by an out of hours service. Extended hours appointments are offered on alternate Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings. The practice is part of a group of GP practices that offer evening appointments until 8.30pm seven days a week.
Appointments can be booked over the telephone, online or in person at the surgery. Patients are provided information on how to access an out of hours service by calling the surgery or viewing the practice website.
For further details about the practice please see the practice website:
The practice is registered with CQC to provide the following regulated activities; Diagnostic and screening procedures, Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, Maternity and midwifery services, Family planning services and Surgical procedures.
The practice has a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS England. (GMS is one of the three contracting routes that have been available to enable commissioning of primary medical services). The practice is part of the NHS Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and is registered to provide services from the following location:
The Surgery, 27-29 Links Road, Portslade, BN41 1XH