There were six people living at the home on the day of our inspection. No one knew we would be visiting. We spoke with three people who lived there, one visitor and four members of staff.Due to their health conditions and complex needs not all people living there were able to verbally share with us their views about the care they received. We were able to look at other areas for evidence to support their experience which included observation and sampling care records.
The three people we spoke with told us positive things about the home. One person told us "I like it here'. Another person told us that they "Really liked living there and that they liked the staff."
We saw that staff spent time with people and gave them individual attention. We saw that there were positive relationships between staff and people living at the home. When staff approached people, people responded by smiling which showed that they were comfortable with the staff.
We saw that staff treated people with respect and dignity. People told us and we saw that choices were offered and that people's views were sought and taken into consideration.
We found that people's needs had been assessed by a wide range of health professionals including speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, specialist doctors and the optician. We saw that people's weight was being monitored and that action was being taken where people were over weight or needed to gain weight. This meant that people's health care needs had been monitored and met.
Staff had received a range of training which included caring for people with a learning disability and abuse awareness training, so that they had up to date knowledge and skills in order to support the people who lived at the home and keep them safe. Staff we spoke with knew about people's needs and personal wishes. This meant that care could be provided in the way that people wanted it to be.
We saw that a wide range community based and in-house activities were offered daily to suit people's individual needs and choices. People told us that they enjoyed these. One person said 'I went to the Sea Life centre last week, I really loved it there'. Another person told us that they were going on holiday soon and were looking forward to that.
We saw that attention had been paid to the risks associated with people's behaviour that might have challenged the service. People had been assessed by appropriate professional health care staff who gave staff guidance on how to manage behaviour to help keep people calmer and safer.
We saw that systems were in place to report concerns and protect people from harm. Staff we spoke with gave us a good account of what they would do if they thought a person was at risk of harm or was being abused.
We saw that medication systems were in place to prevent risks and errors. We saw that medication had been administered as it had been prescribed by the doctor.
We saw that the cleanliness of the premises had improved since our previous inspection. We saw that decoration was being undertaken which made the home a pleasant place for people to live in. People told us that they liked the dining room which had been redecorated.
We sampled personal records for three members of staff. We found that recruitment checking processes were robust and thorough which meant that unsuitable staff were less likely to be appointed so people were at less risk of harm.
There were systems in place to monitor how the home was run to ensure people received a quality service. People we spoke with told us that they liked their home.