12 July 2013
During a routine inspection
People living at Barley Close could not verbally communicate with us so we observed people's care and their interactions with staff in communal areas. We could see that people were relaxed and happy with the staff and in their surroundings. We saw that people were smiling, making 'happy noises' and enjoying various activities. People were moving freely around the home making choices about where and how they spent their time. Staff provided support and care in a sensitive and friendly way.
We spoke with one relative, and five visiting health professionals (including a learning disability nurse specialist; an occupational therapist (OT); speech and language therapist (SALT); social worker and physiotherapist.
The relative told us they were 'very pleased with everything' and that with the registered manager 'at the helm' things were 'fantastic'. The relative told us that their family member's needs were understood and their care needs were met 'on their terms. X is given choices'. We heard that the staff team were friendly and approachable and that they 'go above and beyond' to get things right for people.
Visiting professionals told us that they had seen some positive improvements over the past months. Professionals were confident that the service was meeting people's needs. Comments included, 'There is a settled happy feel about the home now', 'Staff show empathy for people and are providing supportive care', 'Things are absolutely fine there, we have no concerns', 'They took on board our recommendations and tried things out. They are good at developing their own ideas for people too', 'They are pro-active and I can see that people are engaging well with staff' and 'Staff take the initiative and risk assess to enable people to do things'.
We found that Barley Close was meeting all of the five outcomes we inspected.