We met and talked with 12 patients and their relatives, 11 members of the staff team across all departments and two consultants. We also spoke with the registered manager and matron of the hospital. The hospital provides services to children with in patient treatment for people over the age of three years, and a consultation only provision for children under the age of three years. We saw that children's specific care needs and those of their parents were appropriately met to ensure their health and well-being. One family told us "the information and care has been excellent".
We visited every area of the hospital during our inspection. We saw all staff treated people with respect and took care to ensure that their privacy and dignity were promoted.
All 11 patients told us they had been well-informed and felt they had received "excellent" care during their time at the hospital. One person and their relative told us "the consultant told us all the treatment options. I felt I was given time to consider them and ask questions". Another person told us they had been made fully aware of the benefits and risks of their surgery and felt confident to go ahead with their procedure. People also told us their experience of the hospital had been positive and met with their expectations.
One person told us it had been their "best experience ever" of hospital treatment. Another person who had visited the hospital on a number of separate occasions said "the staff were extremely helpful". Two people told us they were apprehensive about being cared for in single rooms; however they had found the staff were very attentive and always 'in and out' of their rooms as needed.
Another person told us the administration at the hospital was "excellent" and "my appointment was made very much to suit me and my other priorities." A third person told us "the information I have been given was clear. The staff are very knowledgeable and they have fully answered all my questions".
We were told, and observed; people were welcomed by the reception staff and were kept informed about any period of waiting. People told us members of staff had been "very caring" and "put me at ease". Patients also told us they were given plenty of information about their treatment and medication throughout their episode of care and were not rushed prior to being discharged.
The hospital was clean and in good decorative order. Corridors, patient rooms, clinical areas and other areas were clean, well appointed and equipped. The hospital was free from obstructions and clutter.
Staff we spoke with told us about working at the hospital and how they were supported in their delivery of care. They told us how management assisted them in maintaining their skills and knowledge through training and "enabling excellence" activities, for the benefit of patients care and welfare. Staff told us they receive ongoing training, development and appraisals. They told us they were encouraged to be part of how the hospital assessed and monitored care for the health and well-being of patients. For example two nurses told us of their involvement in auditing patient's notes, while the housekeeping staff spoke of their involvement in infection control audits.