20 June 2023
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Our rating of this location stayed the same. We rated it as inadequate because:
- We had concerns about the oversight and governance in this service and we have issued a warning notice to the provider. There were issues with the assurances from clinical audits. We reviewed eight personnel records. We found all had missing or incomplete information. Staff had not completed all mandatory training and we were not assured that training was consistently taught and covered all standard requirements. The oversight of training meant it was difficult to be sure that staff were suitably trained. The training system and spreadsheet did not match with induction data.
- There was little evidence in patient records of senior medical reviews taking place. The speciality doctor was leaving and there was no replacement cover. We were not assured that a doctor could attend at night in an emergency.
- Observation levels were not always reviewed following incidents and observation forms were not always fully completed with frequency and reasons for observations.
- There was no legal authority in place for one patient who had received rapid tranquillisation on a number of occasions.
- Capacity assessments relating to consent to treatment were not fully completed and did not evidence a meaningful discussion had taken place.
- Athena ward had been refurbished and redecorated to a high standard.
- Staffing in the service had improved and the service had enough nursing and support staff to keep patients safe.
- All patients had positive behaviour support plans which were developed by the psychology and wider multidisciplinary team members.