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The Poets
Report from 23 September 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 8 October to 31 October 2024. This service was registered by the Care Quality Commission on 12 May 2022. This was the first assessment of this service. We assessed all key questions and quality statements. The assessment outcome rated the service as good. The service did not have a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The registered manager and the provider are legally responsible for how the service is run and for the quality and safety of the care provided. The manager had applied to register with CQC, and their application was being processed. People received personalised care which was safe and effective. Care and treatment plans directed safe and dignified care. Risks to people were managed. The culture of the service promoted person-centred care. People were involved in planning their care and treatment. People’s personal preferences and wishes were capture and used to inform care planning. People received support from a skilled staff team who were empathetic, kind, and compassionate. People and staff were free from discrimination. The manager and staff team were motivated and proud of the service they provided to people. Governance systems ensured people experienced good care. Records were accurate and contemporaneous. Relevant regulations were known and understood.
People's experience of this service
There were high levels of satisfaction amongst people and visitors to the service. However, some people felt call bell response times could be improved upon. We have reported further on calls bells in the caring section of this report. People felt safe and looked after well. People told us they were treated with respect and kindness and described staff as caring and thoughtful. People felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment. A person said, “They make you feel like you’re in charge of your life.” People told us they enjoyed good food. They liked the environment which they described as spacious, safe, bright, and sociable. People spoke warmly about the manager. They welcomed his recent appointment to the role and told us this was already having a positive impact on people and staff. Comments included, “He is approachable, it’s like a friend coming to see you.” And “He’s the best.”