2 January 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The provider sent us an action plan which confirmed they had taken action in relation to the areas we identified.
During this inspection, we saw improvements had been made. There were positive interactions between staff and people who used the service. Staff were respectful, caring and attentive.
Various staff training sessions had been held to enhance awareness of dignity and what this meant to people. Experiential learning was used which assisted staff in reflecting on their values and practice.
Adjustments had been made to enable meal times to be pleasurable experiences rather than just a task of eating. People who required assistance to eat were allocated specific staff to help them. This meant people received focused attention without interruption.
People and their visitors were complimentary about the staff team and the changes being made within the home. Monthly meetings had been introduced to share information and to enable people to give their views more readily.
Staffing shortages were being robustly addressed. Eight new staff had been recruited and a new hostess role had been introduced. Less agency staff were being used which enabled people greater consistency with their care.