Stronvar Rest Home provides support and accommodation to a maximum of 16 people. At the time of our inspection there were 14 people living at the home.During our visit we spoke with two people who lived at the home. We also spoke with the providers, a relative of one person, the registered manager and two members of staff.
We used this inspection to answer our five key questions. Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people who used the service and the staff told us.
Is the service safe?
None of the people we spoke with had any concerns about the support they received. People were treated kindly and with dignity and respect by staff. People and their relatives told us about their satisfaction with the home and told us they felt safe.
We saw care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare. All of the care plans we looked at had assessment tools in place to assist staff in establishing the levels of risk for people.
The provider and staff understood their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). The manager told us that staff had received training in relation to DoLS and the home was contacting the local DoLS team for advice on this subject.
Records showed regular checks of the fire alarm and emergency lighting systems were recorded. We also saw that regular fire exercises were conducted. Safety certificates were in date for gas safety, electrical wiring and for portable appliances. There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. We also saw that the proprietor had a refurbishment plan in place regarding upgrading fire systems, improving bathrooms, kitchen, laundry facilities as well as bedrooms and communal areas of the home and gardens.
Is the service effective?
Each person had a plan of care and support. We saw that support plans explained what the person could do for themselves and what support they needed from staff. Staff told us the care and support plans gave them the information they needed to provide the level of support people required.
We observed staff supporting people and care staff we spoke with were aware of people's needs and the preferences of people they cared for in how people wanted care to be delivered. We saw staff offered advice and support and enabled people to make their own choices and decisions.
A relative told us, "I am very happy with the care provided for my relative, everyone is so good.'
Is the service caring?
We observed staff speaking to people appropriately and saw that they used people's preferred form of address. People we spoke with told us staff were kind and patient in their approach. We saw care workers taking time to chat with people. They responded promptly to people's requests for assistance and had a good understanding of people's needs. People described their satisfaction with the home. One person told us, "I am very happy here.' Another person told us, "They (the staff) are very good; they always have time for you.'
Is the service responsive?
We saw people had reviews of the care and support they received. We saw that care plans showed alterations had been made to people's plans of care as people's needs changed.
We saw people were able to participate in a range of activities. Staff told us that they encouraged and supported people to participate in activities to promote and maintain their well-being. A relative of one person told us, "The home has worked hard to ensure that their relative has been able to continue to be involved with the local community activities that she has been used to. This has helped her to remain in contact with her friends and settle in to the home."
People who used the service, their relatives and staff were asked for their views about how the home was meeting people's needs. Any concerns or ways to improve the service were considered by the management team and if appropriate were acted upon.
Is the service well led?
A relative we spoke with told us that they had regular contact with the home and said that they could speak to the manager or staff at any time. They told us they were kept informed about any issues which affected their relative. They told us the home's staff were "easy to approach.'
All of the staff and people we spoke with said they felt supported. We saw the home had systems to monitor and assess the quality of the service provided by the home. These including a number of audits including health and safety, medicines, cleaning and infection control.
Staff meetings took place regularly and minutes of these meetings were kept. Staff we spoke with confirmed this and said the staff meetings enabled them to discuss issues openly with the manager and the rest of the staff team. Staff had also recently been allocated a senior member of the staff team who acted as a coach/mentor to support them with their professional development.