West Lanc's Domiciliary Service is a domiciliary care agency that provides a range of support to adults with learning disabilities in their own homes. People received different levels of support as required ranging from just a couple of hours support a day to 24-hour support.The inspection of this service took place across three dates; 8, 9 and 14 November 2016, this was the first time the service had been inspected under the comprehensive methodology. The service was given 24 hours’ notice prior to the inspection so that we could be sure someone would be available to provide us with the information we required.
The registered manager of the service was present at the registered office base throughout our inspection, and the inspectors were able to contact the registered manager if needed. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We found a lack of consistency in the way people's risk had been assessed and managed. The risks to people were not always sufficiently managed to avoid harm. We looked at how people were protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm and abuse. We found that the service had policies and procedures in place. However, these were not always being followed.
A central register of accidents and incidents was held by the registered manager in order for these to be monitored. However, we did find incidents that had not been reported to the team leader or management in order to be followed up.
We looked at how the service managed people’s medicines. We examined medicine administration records [MARs]. MARs did indicate that people received their medicines at the times specified and records were signed.
We checked how staff had been recruited, we saw records which showed the provider had undertaken checks to ensure staff had the required knowledge and skills and were of good character before they were employed at the service.
We checked whether the service was working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). We looked at how the service gained people's consent to care and treatment in line with the MCA. We found that the principles of the MCA were not consistently embedded in practice.
We saw the service had a detailed induction programme in place for all new staff and that staff were required to complete the induction prior to working unsupervised. We found that the service promoted staff development and had a rolling programme to ensure that staff received training appropriate to their role and responsibilities. Staff told us they felt well supported by management and we saw evidence that regular supervisions were being held.
The staff approached people in a caring, kind and friendly manner. We observed positive interactions throughout the inspection. We spoke with relatives of people who used the service to gain their views and received consistent positive feedback about the staff and about the care that people received.
Care plans were regularly reviewed however, amendments to documentation following a change in a person’s needs were not always undertaken. We have made a recommendation with regard to this.
People were supported and encouraged to take part in activities, which they enjoyed. We found there was a clear assessment process in place, which helped to ensure staff had a good understanding of people's needs before they started to support them.
The service had a complaints procedure. People who used the service and their representatives told us they felt confident that their complaint would be taken seriously and fully investigated. A system for recording and managing complaints and informal concerns was in place.
There were quality-monitoring systems in place, however some of these were not as robust as they could have been. Although systems were established and in place to allow for oversight of accidents and incidents these were not always operated effectively.
All of the staff members we spoke with reported a positive staff culture. During the inspection, the management team were receptive to feedback and keen to improve the service. They worked with us in a positive manner and provided all the information we requested.
We found a number of breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, relating to safe care and treatment, consent and quality assurance. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.