About the service: Alina Homecare is a domiciliary care agency, which provides personal care and support to people in their own home. At the time of the inspection, there were 160 people receiving a regulated service.People’s experience of using this service:
People valued their relationships with staff. People felt well cared for and that they mattered. Comments included; “We refer to them as our friends and that’s what they are. I don’t feel like they are just there for [person’s name]. They are genuinely there for me too. They are central to what keeps all this going”, “They’re my life. They are my security blanket and I have needed one a lot of times. My carer is what has kept me alive, I am not lying, I have been so poorly and they’re there for me. I love [staff name]. I feel proud to know them and to be seen out with them when we go shopping.”
Risk assessments, care plans and documentation were person centred and comprehensive, identified risks were well-managed. The service focused upon a person’s whole life to promote their wellbeing and gave people an outstanding quality of life.
People were supported by staff who promoted their independence as much as possible, and who were creative in their ways of achieving better outcomes for people. People told us carers were motivated to make a difference and that they made them feel inspired and gave them confidence to make the required changes.
People were cared for by a staff team who received tailored training, which reflected their individual needs and supported how they wanted and needed to receive their care. People spoke of highly trained staff that were observant of changes in their needs and that medical emergencies had been identified and responded to because of the carers attention to detail.
There was a culture of learning and evolving from experiences with prompt and positive action taken when something had gone wrong. Staff felt confident in reporting procedures and described feeling supported and appreciated by management.
There were highly effective quality assurance systems in place. Action was taken to address areas where practice could be enhanced, and as a result, changes had been made to help ensure the service moved forward and continually improved.
The service had gone ‘above and beyond’ to deliver safe care to people when another provider had left people without support.
Rating at last inspection: The service was last inspected 31 May 2016 and was rated Good. The report was published 09 August 2016. For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the rating at the last inspection when the service was rated as Good. At this inspection we found the overall rating for this service had improved to Outstanding.
Follow up: Going forward we will continue to monitor intelligence about this service and plan to inspect in line with our re-inspection schedule for those services rated Outstanding. If we receive any information of concern, we may inspect sooner.