When we visited the Rowans Care Centre on the 28 November 2013. We found improvements were needed to protect people from receiving inappropriate or unsafe care. Following our inspection in November 2013 the manager wrote to us in January 2014 and told us that the required improvements in the planning and delivery of care had been made.Quality assurance officers from the local authority's adult safeguarding unit visited the home in February 2014 and identified further concerns regarding the planning and delivery of care. The provider informed us of a change in management at the home and the appointment of a peripatetic manager. The provider developed a more detailed action plan which indicated that improvements would be made by the end of April 2014. This included strengthened quality assurance arrangements, overseen by the regional manager who monitored and supported the home's progress and development.
Quality assurance officers from the local authority carried out further audits in March, April, May and June 2014. They identified that whilst further improvements were required in some aspects of provision including staff training, and record keeping progress had been made in the overall management of the home and the planning and delivery of care.
We were informed that a new manager was appointed and started work at the home during the second week in June 2014 and the peripatetic manager would remain at the home in support of the new manager for the foreseeable future.
We carried out a further inspection on the 13 and 17 June to follow up on action taken by the provider to ensure people were receiving safe and appropriate care.
We identified that there were still a number of issues and made compliance actions against outcome 1, Respecting and involving people who use services, outcome 2, Consent to care and treatment and served warning notices against outcome 4, Care and welfare of people who use services and outcome 21, Records.
Following the inspection the provider sent us an action plan which explained how and by when the compliance actions and warning notices would be complied with.
This visit was undertaken to confirm the issues identified had been dealt with appropriately and to assess if the service was now compliant.
During the inspection we spoke with 10 of the people using the service, four visiting family members and a total of seven staff members including the regional manager.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected.
We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with the people who used the service, their relatives, the staff members supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
We found that the people who lived at the home were now receiving safe and appropriate care and support and could see that improvements had been made in the delivery of care since our last inspection. We saw examples of good practice, particularly in the way staff interacted with the people living in the home.
People were receiving care in accordance with their assessed needs and the records being maintained were protecting them from receiving inadequate or unsafe treatment and care.
Is the service effective?
Everyone we spoke with was positive about the quality of care being provided, however we did receive some negative comments regarding the high use of agency staff at night. One person we spoke with described it as, 'The weak link'. We discussed this with the regional manager who confirmed that she was aware of this and was trying to address it as soon as possible. A new night carer was due to start, they were actively recruiting staff and staff from another home that was due to close would be transferring to the Rowans in the immediate future.
Is the service caring?
Comments from the people using the service included, 'The girls are very good, they always treat us with respect and dignity and don't talk over me', 'Staff are very good', 'The staff are very nice' and 'The staff are good, I have no concerns'.
We also spoke to four visiting relatives during our visit. Comments included, 'Staff are wonderful, treasures, I have no complaints and they look after my relative really well'.
Is the service responsive?
Since our last inspection the provider had responded to concerns we raised and had taken action address them. A visiting relative told us, 'It has a lot more order. I feel more relaxed and can see improvements'.
The staff members we spoke with were also positive about the changes that had been implemented since the last inspection, these included, 'Things are improving'
Since our last inspection the provider had responded to concerns we raised and had taken action address them.
Is the service well led?
The provider has responded to the concerns raised previously and the regional manager plus peripatetic managers have worked hard to address them. The manager appointed in June left shortly after the inspection took place so the service had no registered manager in place at the time of our inspection. We were informed that a new manager had been recruited and would commence at the home in the near future. This person will continue to be supported by the regional manager in order to ensure that the improvements made are sustained.