The people using the service said they receive the care and support they need and they have never been treated or spoken to badly. They said staff are always friendly and caring. They said they know who to speak to if they were unhappy and want to make a complaint. Some comments made were:'The staff encourage me to do what I want so I can stay independent.'
'The staff are lovely.'
' I get on well with all of staff, we do lots of things together and they help me with stuff.'
'The staff are very good, they never speak badly to me.'
'The staff help me with lots of things, they'll all my friends.'
'The staff are really nice, we do lots of things together. Today we're going Christmas shopping. I like living here.'
Relatives of the people using the service said they were happy with the way their relative was looked after and the standard of care provided. They said the staff had a good knowledge of their relative's care needs and they were always kept informed about their welfare. They said know who to speak to if they want to make a complaint. Relatives said they have never seen any signs of abuse or neglect. Some comments made were:
'I have never seen my daughter happier.'
'The staff are always very friendly when I visit, they are like friends.'
'Although the staff have changed over the years, they have always maintained high standards.'
'The staff a marvellous, I'm very happy with everything.'
'The staff are brilliant, they are very involved in my relative's care.'
'I am not invited to the care plan reviews, but the staff to keep me informed about what's going on.'
'The staff are fantastic.'
Health care professionals spoken to said they are very happy with the care provided. They had never seen any signs of neglect. Some comments made were:
'My client couldn't be in a better place. The staff manage a complex behaviours very well.'
'I'm working closely with the staff on the behavioural strategies. They are very receptive and open to the guidance I provide."