The Barn is a care home providing accommodation for up to 12 adults who have learning disabilities and who need assistance with personal care. It is situated in a residential area of Leyland, close to the town centre and all local amenities. It is easily accessible by car or public transport. On road parking is permitted. All bedrooms are of single occupancy. The home is domestic in character providing comfortable accommodation for the people who live there. There is an enclosed garden area to the rear of the building. The last inspection of this location was conducted on 17 March 2015. The overall rating at that time was ‘requires improvement’, with five breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 being identified. Three of the breaches were in relation to safe care and treatment; the other two were around the need for consent and good governance. We asked the provider to tell us what they were going to do in order to address the shortfalls identified. The provider submitted an action plan, as requested.
This inspection was conducted on 14 February 2017 and it was unannounced, which meant that people did not know we were going to visit the home.
The registered manager was on duty at the time of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act and associated regulations about how the service is run.
At this inspection we found two breaches of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, in relation to the need for consent and safe care and treatment.
At our last inspection on17 March 2015 we found that people who used the service were not protected against the risks associated with the unsafe use and management of medicines, because appropriate arrangements had not been made for the obtaining, recording, using and safe administrations of medicines. Therefore, this area was in need of improvement. We made a requirement about this. The provider sent us their action plan, which showed that actions would be completed by 30 June 2015.
During the course of this inspection we assessed the management of medicines. We found that on this occasion improvements had been made in this area, which helped to protect people from any risks associated with the unsafe use of medicines. Therefore, the previous breach of the Health and Social Care Act regulations had been met. However, we found that hand written entries on the medicine administration records (MAR) had not always been countersigned by another person to reduce the possibility of errors. We have made a recommendation that all hand written entries are signed by two members of staff to ensure accuracy.
At our last inspection on17 March 2015 we found that proper steps had not always been taken to ensure people were protected against the risks of receiving inappropriate or unsafe care or treatment. This was because risks relating to their health, welfare and safety had not always been well managed. Therefore, this area was in need of improvement. We made a requirement about this. The provider sent us their action plan, which showed that actions would be completed by 31 July 2015.
At this inspection we found that robust risk assessments had been implemented in relation to health, welfare and safety. Environmental risk assessments had also been introduced. This helped to keep people safe. Therefore, the previous breach of the Health and Social Care Act regulations had been met.
At our last inspection on17 March 2015 we found that people who used the service and others were not always protected against the risk of acquiring an infection, because infection control protocols were not consistently being followed. Therefore, this area was in need of improvement. We made a requirement about this. The provider sent us their action plan, which showed that actions would be completed by 8 May 2015.
At this inspection we found that the cleanliness of the premises had improved. It was realised that because of the age of the fixtures and fittings the environment was difficult to maintain to a good standard of cleanliness. We recognised the effort which had been taken to make the improvements. Therefore, the previous breach of the Health and Social Care Act regulations had been met. However, we found that infection control practices were not always promoted, in relation to health. One person was receiving treatment for scabies, but they were seen entering the laundry and were also seen lying on other people’s beds. This meant there was a potential risk of cross infection whilst treatment was being received. Therefore, this was a breach of Regulation 12 Safe care and treatment of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
At our last inspection on17 March 2015 we found a breach of Regulation 13 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. This was because the registered person had not acted in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The provider had not taken appropriate steps where people had been deprived of their liberty for safeguarding (DoLS) to have the authorised restrictions in place reviewed. We made a requirement about this. The provider sent us their action plan, which showed that actions would be completed by 18 May 2015.
At this inspection we found that DoLS authorisations had been followed up, which meant that the previous breach of Regulation 13 had been met. However, on this occasion, we found that Mental Capacity Assessments had not always been conducted, in order to determine capacity levels, prior to important specific decisions being made and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard applications being submitted. Also evidence was not always available to demonstrate that decisions had been made in the best interests of those who lived at the home.
Therefore, this was a breach of Regulation 11 Need for consent of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
At our last inspection on17 March 2015 we found that the registered person had not protected people against the risk of unsafe care or treatment, because systems for assessing and monitoring the quality of service provided were not always effective. Therefore, this area was in need of improvement. We made a requirement about this. The provider sent us their action plan, which showed that actions would be completed by 30 June 2015.
At this inspection we found significant improvements had been made in this area. The systems which had been implemented for assessing and monitoring the quality of service provided were robust. Therefore, whilst the previous breach of the Health and Social Care Act regulations had been met, we have still made a recommendation around this area.
At this inspection we looked at the personnel records of two staff members recruited. We found that on this occasion staff had been appropriately appointed and therefore people who lived at The Barn were protected by the recruitment practices adopted by the home.
Regular supervision sessions for staff were being conducted. Annual appraisals were in the process of being introduced. We found that a varied training programme had been provided for the staff team, which helped them to keep abreast of current practices and any changes in legislation. However there were some gaps found in the knowledge and skills of staff in managing peoples nutritional and hydration needs. We have made a recommendation that the provider ensures that all staff have had the appropriate training to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to adequately meet people’s nutritional and hydration needs.
At this inspection we found the environment to be warm and comfortable. We observed staff members interacting well with those who lived at The Barn. People looked happy and comfortable in the presence of staff and were enjoying their company.
Fire procedures were easily available, so that people were aware of action they needed to take in the event of a fire and records we saw good information provided about how people needed to be assisted from the building, should the need arise. Records showed that equipment and systems within the home had been serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. This helped to protect people from harm.
The service had reported safeguarding concerns to the relevant authorities and suitable arrangements were in place to ensure that staff were deployed, who had the necessary skills and knowledge to meet people's needs safely. A range of health and safety training was provided for the staff team.
People we spoke with were aware of how to raise concerns, should they need to do so. A complaints procedure was in place at the home and a system had been implemented for the recording of complaints received. People's privacy and dignity was consistently respected.
The service worked well with a range of community professionals. This helped to ensure that people's health care needs were being appropriately met. People told us they enjoyed the meals provided. People we spoke with were complementary about the staff team. They felt that they were treated in a kind, caring and respectful manner. People expressed their satisfaction about the home and the services provided.
Regular meetings were held for the staff team. This enabled those who worked at the home to discuss topics of interest in an open forum. Staff we spoke with told us they were happy with the current staffing levels. However, we noted that care staff were responsible for all the ancillary duties, as well as the provision of care and support. We have made a recommendation about the provider reviewing the possibility of appointing ancillary sta